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Response to recovery – what does it mean?

cyclone clean up

This week Minister for Emergency Management Kieran McAnulty announced we are moving into a national transition period for recovery from Tuesday, March 14.

The move to recovery does NOT mean the agencies, organisations and support services who have supported our communities in the response phase pack up and go home. Essential support activities will continue for our isolated and impacted communities for as long as they're needed.

For the impacted communities that Hastings District Council has been supporting through community hubs, this support will continue, but might look a bit different for those who have had roads re-opened, power restored and can now access the supplies and services they need.

Hastings District Council is still available to assist, especially with information about how to get in touch with government and other support agencies and access to services. As the needs reduce and people become reconnected, however, the hours council is present at these hubs will reduce.

For harder hit communities in our rural areas who are still isolated, and receiving helicopter drops of supplies, we will continue to work in with other agencies to provide the same level of support as long as is needed. However, for people who have road access the need to help with supplies is reducing.

Continuing to connect with people who have no way to access the supplies and services they need remains essential.

We know that we still have a long way to go before we can say our region has recovered from this devastating event.

We still have numerous roads and bridges that need to be repaired to get our district moving again – restoring these important lifelines is a key focus for council.

Removing flood damaged items and collecting silt is another area Council is working hard on as we know this is really important for our communities.

People can request the collection of flood-damaged waste at, find out more about silt collection and how to request it at

Here's some more information about what it means to be in a national transition period:

A transition period enables a seamless transition from the emergency response phase to the recovery stage. Under a transition period, the powers sit with Recovery Managers, rather than Controllers.

The powers available to Recovery Managers under a transition period are designed to help with the immediate, medium-term, and long-term recovery of communities following an emergency.

A national transition period lasts for 90 days (unless extended or terminated earlier).

The powers available under a transition period are similar to the powers available under a state of emergency, although not as extensive.

Transition period powers enable Recovery Managers to make decisions like:

Closing or restricting access to roads or public places.

Removing or securing dangerous structures and materials.

Conserving essential supplies.

Evacuating premises or places.

Moving from response to recovery signals a step towards getting life back to some kind of normal. Some have a long recovery journey ahead, and we will be here to keep you informed and provide support along the way.



14 March 2023

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