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Hundreds working on rural road and bridge repairs

Open day crane

More than 300 residents flocked to an open day at the Puketapu Bridge site. There was particular interest in the 250-tonne crawler crane, named Mr Mustard in a Puketapu School competition.

Crews working on rebuilding rural roads and bridges damaged in Cyclone Gabrielle are back on the job, after the compulsory holiday shutdown.

Since the cyclone in February 2023, on behalf of Hastings District Council, four lead contracting companies, Council’s regular road maintenance contractors and dozens of subcontractors involving hundreds of on-the-ground staff have been working on the rebuilds and repairs. The comprehensive recovery effort spans four rural wards and includes major bridge reconstructions, culvert replacements and extensive slip repairs, with affected communities receiving monthly progress updates.

In the most recent updates, covering two months prior to the break, significant progress was reported, though challenges remain in several key areas.

The scale of recovery work remains substantial, says Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst. “But with each completed project we are reconnecting communities that have had to use extended detours or cope with navigating complex roadworks sites on a daily basis for nearly two years.
“Using modern design and construction technology, each completed project also brings us closer to ensuring our roads and bridges will be far more resilient in future extreme weather.”

In the Maraekākaho Ward, there has been an intensive focus on the Kererū Gorge project, with Fulton Hogan crews working 12-hour shifts day and night since late August. A significant milestone was reached in November, with the installation of a massive multiple 15m by 12m culvert, a major improvement on the previous 1.5m diameter pipe culvert. Additional steel reinforcement requirements identified during the reconstruction pushed back the initial Christmas completion target and it is now expected that the road should be trafficable by Easter.

The project has attracted strong community interest, including a school visit in October and a community open day in November. Councillor Marcus Buddo praised the scope of work during the community day, noting the significant upgrade will provide “a huge amount of resilience for the Kererū community”. Other upcoming work in the area includes the repair of Olrig Bridge and multiple slip repairs.

Steady progress continues to be made on several major bridge projects. The Puketapu Bridge reconstruction has captured community interest, with more than 300 residents attending an open day in November. The event, organised by Fulton Hogan, allowed locals to get a close look at construction equipment, including the project's 250-tonne crawler crane. A Puketapu School competition to name the crane resulted in it being inscribed with the name named ‘Mr Mustard.’

On the Matapiro Bridge, Concrete Structures Ltd completed crucial foundation work, driving in abutment piles and pouring concrete for pier piles. Both Puketapu and Matapiro bridges remain on track for completion by mid-2025.

The Rissington Bridge project moved into the design phase following site testing in October, with construction tenders expected in the first half of 2025. Meanwhile, recent engineering assessments of the Waikoau Gorge Bridge confirmed the need to maintain current weight restrictions while repair solutions are explored.

Significant progress had also been made on slip repairs across several major thoroughfares. Along Taihape Rd, TW Civil & Infrastructure completed three sites with furthered sites back-filled before the Christmas break. With 11 sites requiring repair along the road, work will continue until February 2026.

Downer NZ is responsible for rebuilding 11 slip sites along Puketītiri Rd, with two sites completed before Christmas. Tenders for more sites are due to be awarded in early 2025.

One site on Glengarry Rd was completed by Tūpore Infrastructure, with substantial progress made on others. The project remains on track for completion in June this year. More sites are in the review stage.

The largest slip on Dartmoor Rd is being repaired by Downer NZ under urgency and is progressing well, due to be completed in April. The project had been a major undertaking requiring the rerouting of the river to access an under slip. Other slip repairs along Dartmoor Rd are being managed by Hicks Bros Civil Construction, with work progressed to the installation of anchors and reinforcement structures.


5 February 2025

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