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Poukawa Ward

Work is underway across the Poukawa Ward and is being progressed with urgency as part of the wider transportation recovery programme. However limited resources and complexity of sites have required a programme of prioritised work to be developed.

Across the Hastings District there are still 224 large and complex slips requiring repair. 13 bridges and 5 large culverts were completely destroyed, while an additional 80 bridges were significantly damaged and require complex repairs. 8 of these damaged bridges, and 14 of these large slips are within the Poukawa Ward.

Maintaining or returning road access to isolated communities is a priority, and so initial works focussed on clearing slips and returning access to communities like Elsthorpe and Waimārama. Currently, work to restore access to communities which remain disconnected like Kereru and Puketapu is happening as the first tranche of recovery construction. Repair works are being progressed with urgency across the district. However limited resources and complexity of sites have required a programme of prioritised work to be developed across the district which will be delivered over seven to ten years at an estimated cost of $800million. 

We are aware that silt recovery and construction work is having an impact on already fragile roads.  While we have asked contractors to review and remedy some of the issues raised for specific roads (where possible) and monitoring is ongoing, some of these will be ongoing issues.

We encourage residents to report any issues requiring maintenance either by phone (06) 871 5000 or via the Hastings District Council website.  Doing so will ensure this work is allocated to available contractors as a matter of priority.

Poukawa roading dashboard

The map below shows the sites of significant damage to the transport network across the Poukawa Ward. This includes major slips, and bridges requiring significant repairs. Due to the complexity of the sites and limited resources, a programme of prioritised work is being developed. For detailed information about the status of each site by location please use the search function on the upper right hand corner of the map.

To open the map in a new window, click here.

None of the 13 bridges or 6 large culverts that require rebuilding across the Hastings district are located within the Poukawa Ward. However 53 bridges within the ward require repair.

Due to the scale, complexity and cost of the rebuilds and repairs, a phased programme of rebuilding is required. More detail can be found by clicking on the interactive map above.

The work required to repair damaged bridges across the ward various by site. Repair work is being prioritised based on the vulnerability of roads to new weather events, availability of resources, levels of road use and the numbers of people affected.

See below some photographic examples of the bridge damage across the ward.  

Te Apiti No. 2 Bridge

Te Apiti No.2 Bridge

Middle Road No.2 Bridge

Middle Road No.2 Bridge

Cyclone Gabrielle resulted in more than 800 slips.  In the months following the cyclone, priority was given to restoring access to isolated communities.  All 590 of the less complex slips have now been cleared and repairs made. There are a further 224 larger and more complex slips requiring investigation and major construction to repair. 14 of these are located in Poukawa Ward.

Due to the scale and complexity of the damage, design and construction of the repairs to the road and associated drainage requires engineering expertise and resource consents. A prioritised programme of works has been developed to repair these.  As investigations and engineering designs are completed, contractors are being engaged to begin construction at each sites. For details on the status of each slip by location please search on the interactive map.

See below photographic examples of slips across Poukawa Ward.

Waimarama Road slip site 1376

Waimārama Road, slip site #1376

Maraekakaho Road slip site 892

Maraekākaho Road, slip site #892

Kahuranaki Road slip site 984

Kahuranaki Road, slip site #984

Mackenzie Road slip site 927

Mackenzie Road, slip site #927

Community updates

If you would like to sign-up to receive ongoing newsletters about roading recovery work and general community updates in the Poukawa Ward, click here



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