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Four key areas drive the passion of Landmarks Trust members:

  • Landscape
  • History
  • Architecture
  • Art in public places

Look around and you’ll see so much that the Landmarks Trust has been involved with, including:

  • An upgrade of 100-plus buildings in the centre of Hastings as part of the Façade Enhancement Scheme
  • Recognising and celebrating successful projects within the district at the annual Landmarks Awards
  • Enhancing the entranceways into our region
  • Public artworks
  • Colourful garden beds, street trees and hanging baskets
  • New cycling and walking initiatives


Image of Roy's Hill Reserve. In our region we are blessed with great natural features from the mountains to the sea, and with our perfect growing soils and Mediterranean climate; an abundance of the ingredients for the good life. Landmarks’ focus is to preserve and enhance our beautiful parks, streetscapes and public, as well as private spaces for the enjoyment of all.

The Landmarks philosophy is at the forefront of a number of Council projects, supported and often initiated by the Landmarks Trust.

  • A major tree-planting programme along the streets and roads of the district. Themed planting identifies important gateway/entrances within the region and in many cases reflects our horticultural strength, e.g. flowering cherry and olive trees.
  • The maintenance and enhancement of historic and new parks and plantings, e.g. re-vamps of Flaxmere Park, the Havelock Village Green (formerly the Havelock North Village Domain); the central city's William Nelson Park complete with playground and a statue of William Nelson and his dog.
  • The creation of ‘Pocket Parks’ in town, e.g. Landmarks Square in Warren Street (2013).
  • The saving of part of Windsor Park from being subdivided for housing (2010).
  • The creation of Roy’s Hill Reserve and its restoration (since 2009), with native plantings, walkways and picnic areas on the old Landfill in the Gimblett Gravels region on State Highway 50 (opened 2012).
  • Hanging baskets gloriously adorning our main centres throughout summer and now winter too.
  • The preservation of the Renee Orchiston Flax Collection on Longlands Road and on other district roundabouts.
  • The Frimley Rose Garden improvements.
  • The creation of the district's Register of Notable Trees for their protection.
  • The upgrade of the John Holt Memorial Display House in Cornwall Park.
  • The redevelopment of the historic Duart House grounds in Havelock North.
  • The recognition of good design and celebration of successful projects through the Landmarks Awards.
  • Supporting the hugely successful iWay network of trails for cycling and walking throughout the region, promoting safety, good health – and fun!


Image of Stoneycroft homestead. The preservation of our district’s history is the foundation of our future. Passionate historians among our members spearhead the drive to retain the diverse elements of our history.

  • History Talks - The Landmarks Trust History Talks feature guest speakers on a diverse and fascinating range of topics: people, places and events from within the wider Hastings district. The talks are held upstairs in the Hastings War Memorial Library every second Tuesday of each month (except in December and January).
  • Stoneycroft Homestead and Gardens - this historic homestead, built around 1875 and located on the corner of the Expressway and Omahu Road, was purchased by Council in 2005, beautifully restored (much by volunteers) and opened in 2012. It now houses Hawke’s Bay Knowledge Bank and the Digital Archives Trust, unique in New Zealand. The extensive grounds contain large protected trees, including 50 flowering cherry trees planted to mark 50 years of Hastings attaining city status, and fine restored gardens.
  • History and knowledge boards - throughout the region these graphic information boards add to the public appreciation of our heritage and sites of interest.
  • Winner: Supreme Art Deco Award 2010 recognising “10 years of work to preserve, enhance and promote the heritage of the Hastings District”.
  • Hastings CBD Heritage Inventory currently held by Council.

Landmarks History Talks

Held the second Tuesday of each month (except in December and January), in the Hastings War Memorial Library. Hear interesting stories of Hastings told by great Speakers; 5.30pm to 6.30pm. Gold coin entry.


Image of Assembly Hall. The Landmarks philosophy encourages the preservation of our architectural heritage and encourages the design of new buildings that raise the bar. Council is proactive in the promotion of this public face of our district while the Trust acts as an advocate for the Landmark’s philosophy.

  • The Façade Enhancement Scheme - administered by Council and championed by Landmarks, the scheme recognises heritage buildings in Hastings and works. Through the scheme, building owners and tenants are helped to upgrade the exterior of these buildings using appropriate colour schemes. Over 100 buildings within the Hastings city centre have been upgraded, making a huge visual difference to our city.
  • Recognition of good design and celebrating successful projects through the Landmarks Awards
  • The designation of Special Character Areas of Hastings and Havelock North worthy of protection
  • Public forums convened by the Landmarks Trust are held to discuss what works in our district and come up with solutions for what does not; results are forwarded to Council and relevant bodies
  • The Hastings CBD Architectural Heritage Design Guide is published to inspire the preservation and enhancement of heritage buildings; there is also a CBD Sign Guide for commercial signs on buildings

Art in public places

Image of Art in Public places. Art adds that “special factor” to our district, reflecting who we are and uplifting the spirit. Using outstanding (mostly) local artists to guide and create new work, the Landmarks Trust, along with Council, has overseen the installation of a wide range of works to inspire and admire in our public places.

Everywhere you look in the district there is art; from David Trubridge's ‘Leaf Lights’ to Neil Dawson's ‘Suntrap’ to mana whenua carvings.

Grants, donations and Council funds have afforded these works. The artistic community in Hastings is talented and diverse, recognised both nationally and internationally.

Through-out the Hastings city centre, Havelock North Village and selected sites (e.g. Karamu High School and William Nelson Park) there are stunning sculptures, statues, murals and architectural works. These are now an integral part of any redevelopment plan within the district – the icing on the cake.

  • Nga pou o Heretaunga in Civic Square, Hastings – an awe-inspiring collection of 18 large, locally-carved pou (totems), completed in 2013, to represent the 18 local iwi with each pou facing toward the location of the home marae. A must-visit!
  • Gateways – a sense-of-arrival is announced at designated gateways/entries to our district through the installation of artistic works, each pertinent to its named location
  • School murals programmes have enlivened campuses and fostered creativity in our young people
  • Recognition of good design and celebrating successful projects through the Landmarks Awards

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