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Taste Hastings takes out national event award

taste hastings 1 medA Hastings event designed to attract people to the revitalised city centre, boost the local economy, and showcase the region’s food and wine industry has been recognised with a national award.

At the annual New Zealand Event Awards held last night [August 27], Taste Hastings was announced the best food, beverage or lifestyle category winner, beating out other contenders such as Flavours of Plenty by Tourism Bay of Plenty and the Auckland Food Show.

It was one of two award entries from Hastings District Council among a total of 113 from across the country vying for honours in 19 categories. Council’s other entry was the Hastings 150th Commemoration, which was named a finalist for the best community event (over 3000 participants).

First delivered in 2022, Taste Hastings was originally a Covid-19 recovery project to encourage the community to start socialising, to stimulate the city centre economy and align with the region’s food and wine country and Great Wine Capital of the World status.

Council partnered with Hawke’s Bay Wine, along with local suppliers, retailers, and hospitality businesses to deliver the inaugural event as part of the F.A.W.C! Food and Wine Classic, attracting about 1000 people from Hastings and the wider Hawke’s Bay.

After its initial success and positive community feedback, it was undertaken again in 2023 – timed to coincide with the Robbie Williams Mission Concert, and promoted as an opportunity to attend the ultimate ‘warm up’ party for locals and visitors in town for the concert.

More than 2000 partygoers attended, about half coming from outside of Hawke’s Bay and it received national media attention, putting Hastings and Hawke’s Bay on the map.

Hawke's Bay Wine executive officer Brent Linn said it was great to partner with Hastings District Council to bring Taste Hastings to the public.

“Taste Hastings offers a unique opportunity for our winemakers to share Hawke's Bay's premium wine story and highlight the region's status as one of the world’s Great Wine Capitals – we are thrilled to have this event receive a national award.”

Hastings mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said the event was a fantastic way to celebrate our growing district.

“We are delighted to have Taste Hastings recognised. It brings our producers’ internationally renowned food and wine offerings to the people in an upbeat, fun, accessible way.  Taste Hastings provides an opportunity for everyone to enjoy our revitalised city centre together with friends and family.

“It was also wonderful to have our Hastings 150th commemoration events recognised for providing meaningful and uplifting opportunities to reflect on our history, culture and people who make our place great.”

Preparations are already underway for this year’s Taste Hastings event that will be held on Friday, November 8 from 5.30pm to 8.30pm in the Heretaunga East block, featuring more than 30 wineries, craft beer, food trucks and live music.

2 September 2024

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