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Land Categorisation Hawke's Bay

Category 3 Voluntary Buy-out Programme

If your property has been confirmed as Category 3 and you would like to understand more about how Hawke’s Bay Regional Council have applied the Government’s categorisation framework, please visit this page.

Under the Crown’s land categorisation framework, there are areas confirmed as too dangerous to live due to the flood risk and designated Category 3. Hawke’s Bay’s councils have been in complex discussions with the Crown to settle on a support package to allow our worst-affected communities to move forward with their lives. The support package sets out that the Crown and Hastings District and Napier City councils will share the cost of a voluntary Category 3 residential property buy-out programme.

There have been key steps required to enable this programme to commence:

  • Hastings District Council and Napier City Council adopt a Long Term Plan Amendment to allow for the activity and associated costs of a buy-out programme (adopted 14 September)
  • Hastings District Council and Napier City Council adopt a joint Category 3 Voluntary Buy-out Policy (adopted 14 September)
  • All Hawke’s Bay councils sign their funding terms of agreements with the Crown (in progress)
  • Hawke’s Bay Regional Council confirm Category 3 areas (completed 3 October 2023)
  • Hastings District Council and Napier City Council establish the function to enable the buy-out programme to proceed (underway; October)

An information pack is being developed to help property owners understand the programme and their options, which will be made available to Category 3 property owners once the categorisation is confirmed. All owners will be contacted with information on how to register their interest in the buy-out programme.


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