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Road route changes as water pipe project steps up

Stairs Frimley Rd

Work on installing new water pipes through Frimley continues next week. 

From Monday, the Nottingley Rd and Frimley Rd roundabout will temporarily become a ‘T’ intersection, with traffic detours in place as necessary. It is a main water pipe connection point, requiring a large excavation. 

Modern technology means it will be one of the few areas of the project where excavation is required, as the water pipe itself will be ‘drilled’ underground, negating the need for trenching right along the route. It is also a much faster method of pipe laying. 

“It saves months of having open trenches and the disturbance to residents and vehicles that comes with that,” said Hastings District Council Project Manager Herman Wismeyer. 

It also means entries to private property can be maintained throughout the pipe-laying. 

Phase one of the project, being carried out for Council by Fulton Hogan, is expected to be completed by early November (weather and ground conditions permitting), with work at the roundabout expected to be completed by the third week in October.

A full traffic management plan is in place, including measures to protect pedestrians and cyclists, vehicle detours as required, and speed restrictions. 

“As always, our primary aim is to complete this project with the minimum impact on residents,” said Fulton Hogan Three Waters Projects Manager Joe Symonds. “But, given the size of the project, we have individually advised neighbouring residents that there may be some vibration and noise. 

“We do ask that drivers avoid the area if they can. If they do come through the site, we ask that they obey the temporary speed restrictions and take extra care to keep themselves, pedestrians and our work teams safe.” 

The teams are pleased with the progress on the first stage of the project, on Omahu Rd opposite the hospital. Work at that site is expected to be completed and the road resealed and back to normal within two weeks. 

The project is part of the Hastings Drinking Water Strategy 2018, designed to increase the safety, capacity and resilience of the district’s drinking water supplies. 

Photo: As well as stairs to gain access at one entry point to the park, there is another entry point where the pipe has been put underground for pedestrian and wheelchair/pram access into the adjacent Frimley Park.

13 October 2020

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