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Water Progress Update

Water Projects update My Hastings June 2021

Huge milestones have been reached over the last four years and we are targeting completion of all projects by the end of 2022.


Waiaroha, on the corner of Southampton St East and Hastings St South, received its consents last month. Site clearing and the installation of pipes that will connect it to the existing pipe network has started, with construction of a new bore and reservoirs scheduled in the coming months.

The detailed design work for the water education centre on this site (funded externally) is continuing. The vision is that the centre will host community groups and schools, and enable activities, discussions and planning related to water. The resources within the facility and the landscaping will help us better understand our aquifer system and how nature fills it, how we use water in our region, the importance of water to mana whenua, and the treatment and supply of our drinking water.


At Frimley Park, the below-ground works have been completed, the pipes that will connect it to the network installed, and two of four new bores drilled. Over the last few weeks, the building of the water storage tank has begun, while the construction of the treatment plant is scheduled to start in the next few weeks.

As part of the facility’s Resource Consent, Council committed to removing the maintenance sheds and works area on another part of the park, an area equivalent in size to that needed for the water facility; returning it to public use.  Council’s parks team is now preparing a Reserve Management Plan for the wider park, which specifically asks how the public would like to see the ‘new’ part of the park developed.

Small community supplies

To date, three of the eight small community treatment and storage facilities have been completed and are supplying drinking water to properties in Te Pōhue, Haumoana/Te Awanga and Waimārama. The construction of new facilities at Waipātiki, Clive and Whirinaki/Esk is underway, and discussions with the Whakatū and Waipatu communities are being held.

2 June 2021

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