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December update - what's new and coming up in the Hastings city centre


Christmas is nearly here, and there’s a festive feel across the city centre. Read below some updates on our inner city revitalisation work, services over the Christmas/New Year period, and upcoming events

Hastings city centre outdoor dining and seating upgrades

Now Completed:

  • John’s Bakery (Heretaunga 300 West)
  • Thompson’s Suits (Heretaunga 300 West)
  • Madeleines (Heretaunga 300 West)
  • Westerman’s Café (Russell Street South)
  • Breakers Restaurant (Heretaunga 100 East)

These projects are enhancements of existing outdoor dining or seating areas, so haven’t used any existing car parking spaces. The design is similar to the improvements made in the Heretaunga East 200 block using similar elements including planter boxes with lime hedges, permanent umbrellas and new paving.  The umbrellas will be installed in the coming months.

The projects are all components of the City Centre Revitalisation Plan, put together in 2019 in consultation with the business community. Made up of 23 ‘Hastings Alive’ projects, they are designed to encourage people to enjoy our city centre, day and night. 

Coming up –December 2021 – June 2022:

  • Queen Street East 200: The pavement works on the corner of Karamu Rd and Queen St will be completed following the conclusion of construction works on the Hansen development.
  • Heretaunga Street East 300 block: Construction will be complete for the opening of the Municipal Buildings in April 2020. The design includes new outdoor areas for tenancies in the Municipal Buildings, new lights, trees and planter boxes.
  • Pocket Park (corner Heretaunga and Warren) – new public seating area.
  • Eastbourne Street East 300 block: This street enhancement, scheduled to start in April 2022, will complete the Eastbourne Street East street upgrade between Hastings Street and Warren Street. New footpath paving, street lights and rata trees will complete the visual link between the Toitoi Arts and Events Centre and the Hastings Art Gallery and Library.


Parking update

FREE parking on Saturdays in Hastings city this month only!

All Hastings city centre meters where people would normally have to pay are now free every Saturday during the month of December 2021.

This includes both on and off-street parking, but parking time limits still apply.

Paid parking on Saturdays will resume January 1, 2022

 Parking survey

Council recently undertook a public survey to get feedback on whether or not people would like to see parking time limits extended to two hours in certain Hastings city centre streets.

The feedback from this consultation is now being collated and will be presented to Council early next year, after which time we will inform the public of any outcomes.



The installation of pipes that will link the new Waiaroha water treatment and storage facility has stopped for the holiday season.

The crew are due back on site on January 10, resuming works on the south side of the Warren St roundabout for about three weeks.


Rubbish collection over Christmas/New Year

With Christmas and New Year’s Day falling on the Saturday, collection days for inner city businesses will be as normal. Remember to put your rubbish out by 7am, and that overfull bins (with lids up) will not be serviced.

Henderson Rd Transfer Station is closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.


Activations and Vibrancy

2022 is going to continue on with the great success that 2021 has brought us, with even more exciting activations in the city centre every 6-8 weeks. Our vibrant city will be bursting at the seams with activations. Keep an eye out in January for one of our many exciting installations. Also there will be music on the city centre stage by the fountain every Saturday in January between 12pm and 2pm.

Façade enhancement

The Façade Enhancement Scheme financially assists the owners and tenants of eligible buildings to upgrade the façades of their buildings. The aim is to preserve the characteristic heritage of our business areas and to encourage building owners to upgrade façades to improve the look and feel of our commercial areas. Follow the link below for more information and fill out the easy application form to apply for this fund. 

Clock Tower

The scaffolding is up around the CBD clock tower with painting due to be complete weather permitting late Dec 2021 early January 2022.


Christmas has come to Hastings city centre

Christmas is lit in Hastings city centre this month, with special festive lighting and pop-up installations and activities to get everyone in the Christmas spirit while they’re in town.

Throughout the month, Heretaunga St will be aglow with LED festive lighting, sponsored by Hastings District Council’s Activation Fund and Unison. This adds to the annual appearance of the Christmas tree in the city mall and Santa’s sleigh on the Westerman’s building, and also Council’s lightboxes, which have been moved into the mall with festive imagery.

Carols in Cornwall Park has been cancelled this year due to the challenges of running the event within COVID-19 Orange traffic light restrictions.

However, there will be some Christmas music coming to Hastings City Centre with pop-up carol performances by local musicians in the week leading up to Christmas.


Council Christmas and New Year opening hours

HDC Customer Service Centre CLOSED 3PM, DECEMBER 24, 2021 TO 8AM, JANUARY 5, 2022.

The 24-hour call centre will remain open throughout the holiday period, phone (06) 871 5000.

Hastings District Libraries (including Hastings, Havelock North and Flaxmere)

December 24 - 9am - 3pm

December 25 - 28 - CLOSED

December 29 - 9am - 5.30pm

December 30 - 9am - 5.30pm

December 31 - 9am - 3pm

January 1 – 4 - CLOSED

Camberley Community Centre, Kiwi St CLOSED from 3pm, December 24, 2021 to January 5, 2022

Flaxmere Community Centre & Flaxrock Gym, Swansea Rd CLOSED from 3pm, December 24, 2021 to January 5, 2022

Hastings Sports Centre, Railway Rd CLOSED from 3pm, December 24, 2021 to January 5, 2022


What’s happening at Toitoi

In July, Toitoi won the Creative New Zealand EXCELLENCE Award for Cultural Wellbeing as part of the Local Government New Zealand EXCELLENCE awards.

And in November, Toitoi won the Event Venues Association of New Zealand Best Small Venue Award (under 1000 seats)

As Toitoi is an event venue, Hastings District Council has confirmed it as a Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate venue from Friday, December 3. This means vaccine passes will become an essential part of our operating procedures. The introduction of vaccine passes means we can continue to keep our audiences, as safe as possible, while also allowing us to continue doing what we do best - delivering high-quality, large-scale events for our community.


Events coming up

Fiesta of Lights – Saturday 18 December 2021 to Sunday 9 January 2022 including Christmas Day.

​Nest Fest – January 15, Tomoana Showgrounds Hawke’s Bay.

With the cancellation of other major music festivals around the country, Nest Fest, with its lineup including big New Zealand names such as Ladyhawke, Liam Finn and Marlon Williams, has the potential to be a real drawcard, bringing thousands of visitors to Hastings.

Summer F.A.W.C! – January 28 to February 6.

NZ Cider Festival – February 12, 2022, Tomoana Showgrounds Hawke’s Bay.


Ongoing activities at Council

Hastings City Art Gallery

Check the Hastings City Art Gallery website for more details.

Toitoi – Hawke’s Bay Arts and Events Centre

Go to the Toitoi website for the latest events and information.

Hastings District Libraries

Check the Hastings District Libraries website to find out more.





14 December 2021

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