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Pump track all go for summer

Having a goYoungsters on wheels were keen to get in on the action on Friday morning [Dec 17], after the construction fences around the new pop-up pump track in Flaxmere Park came down.

The 65-metre long track will be at Flaxmere Park for two to three months, before being moved on to other parks across wider Hastings.

On the first day of action, Danielle Paki was on site with her Play on Wheels programme providing free use of scooters and helmets for those without them. She will be there about once a week over the summer holidays.

Hastings mayor Sandra Hazlehurst and Hastings Ambassador and District councillor (Flaxmere) Henare O’Keefe helped celebrate the new facility; even having a go themselves.

“It is really exciting to see this pump track ready to go in our beautiful Flaxmere Park. It gives our young people even more reason to come to the park for play and adventure,” said Mayor Hazlehurst.

“It’s a lot of fun, and our young people were very patient with me as I had a go. I think I might have been a bit slow around the track!”

Councillor O’Keefe thanked Topline Contracting and the community for arriving the day before to help lay the mulch around the track. Wet weather meant the heavy machinery booked to do the work could not be used on the park. “Rather than disappoint the kids, our wonderful friends at Topline came in early Thursday and got most of it down, and then a huge group of our people turned up at 1pm to finish the job. This is how we roll in Flaxmere – working together, donating our time and skills, for the very best for our community.”

Supported by Sport Hawke’s Bay’s Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund, the track is supplied by Parklife New Zealand, which is on a mission to encourage communities to be “fit and social”. The track is designed to last a minimum of 10 years, which means there will be plenty of time to give all Hastings communities a turn.

17 December 2021

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