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Flaxmere tradies hui showcases local opportunities

flaxmere tradies

A hui held last weekend to share information with Flaxmere-based tradespeople about the upcoming construction of new housing in the suburb attracted more than 60 people keen to find out more.

Hastings District Council is making steady progress preparing three lots of Council-owned land for 150 new top-quality and affordable homes, with civil construction work well underway for two of the three development sites.

The hui held at the Flaxmere Community Centre was designed to encourage suitably qualified and capable local tradespeople to consider applying to assist with the construction, although the final decision on which contractors, subcontractors and associated businesses would be used would be made by the developers.

Ground Level Contracting owner Alannah Smith attended the hui. Ground Level Contracting is a small family business based in Flaxmere that has been operating for two months, specialising in small excavations, concreting, roading maintenance and repairs.

 “It was great to attend the housing development hui on Saturday, to meet some really awesome tradie and find out what potential work opportunities there are coming up in Flaxmere,” Ms Smith said.

Flaxmere councillor and Hastings Ambassador Henare O’Keefe said this was about building Flaxmere from the inside out.

“In other words using the skills and passion that is from, and resides within our Flaxmere. Every blow of the hammer, every stroke of the brush, every tuft of soil that is turned, will come from our people, our tradesmen and women.  

“This is no ordinary build. This is about heart and soul. A legacy that will stand the test of time for generations to come - tangible evidence of what can be achieved, when a community lives, plays and works together.”

Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said it was so exciting to see Flaxmere’s construction industry come together to be part of the $120m of investment happening in Flaxmere. 

“This is about providing opportunities for our Flaxmere community through this significant pipeline of development - building homes for our people, a new supermarket and new infrastructure.

“Enabling a collaborative approach to working with our Flaxmere construction industry will offer the potential for forward work and encourage businesses to offer career pathways for young people in the trades.” 

Council has received a number of expressions of interest from developers and expects to be in negotiations with preferred development partners from June 2022 onwards, with new home construction commencing from 2023 onwards. 

The design of these new homes will follow best practice urban design and subdivision guidelines. The new subdivisions will include trees, indented parking and modern street lighting.

For more information about the homes being built in Flaxmere and the opportunities to buy and build them, click here.

7 April 2022

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