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Wastewater treatment plant open day

Waste Water Treatment Plant

The annual East Clive wastewater treatment plant open day is coming up – a chance to get a behind-the-scenes tour of the plant and how it works.

At the open day on Saturday, November 29, from 10am to 1pm, people will follow the process of how the 35,000 and 70,000 cubic metres of mostly liquid matter that goes through the treatment plant every day is treated.

Built in 2008/09, the plant was a first of its kind in New Zealand for its innovative biological (using bugs that naturally occur in people’s digestive system) trickling filter process, which has the advantage of producing no “sludge” to dispose of to landfill.

At the open day, visitors will get to watch a video showing the way the bugs in the trickling filters work, and see samples of the treated wastewater.

This unique plant has been recognised both nationally and internationally for not only introducing this technical solution but for the way it has met the cultural and spiritual aspirations of tangata whenua.

Through the Hastings District Council: Tangata Whenua Wastewater Joint Committee, formed in late 2001, tangata whenua were part of the decision-making around the plant’s design.

One of the unique features to come of that was the creation of the Rakahore Channel – a collection of rocks the treated human waste flows over for spiritual cleansing and reconnection with papatuanuku, before it is piped 2.7km offshore and discharged into the ocean.

Registrations are required to take part in the tour – go to the Hastings District Council website or check on the Council Facebook page to find out more.

28 October 2022

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