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Planners call for feedback on District Plan change

Planning team 1

Hastings District Council planners are encouraging Hastings residents to take some time to understand an upcoming plan change that significantly changes the way we subdivide across our district.

Senior Environmental Planner Anna Sanders has been out in the community over the last two months talking to residents and collecting feedback, but is keen to hear more.

“This change impacts everyone, and everyone has a right to let us know what they think about it.”

The Plan Change, called Plan Change 5: Right Homes; Right Place, proposes altering the rules around the development of residential housing to allow more houses to be built within existing urban areas.

The change is in response to the growing need for more housing as our population grows, as well as new government legislation that sets out how councils must allow more houses to be built.

“For Hastings a prime consideration is protecting our fertile growing soils from urban sprawl – building up rather than out,” said Ms Sanders.

This would mean a broader housing choice, more one or two bedroom homes, two and three-storey buildings, apartments and town housing – with a focus on good design and developing in areas that are close to community facilities, public transport and parks.

For people living in residential zones in Hastings, Havelock North and Flaxmere the Plan Change would make it easier for more housing, and buildings of up to three storeys to be built on existing sections.

While most medium-density developments would still require Resource Consent, those that complied with the planning and design rules would not be notified, meaning other people would not have a say on such developments if they were being built next to them or in their neighbourhoods.

“While best-practice design requirements would be embedded in the changes, such as the need for there to be a variety of housing types and design, privacy, outdoor living space, landscaping, it will mean our residential suburbs will become more compact, which is quite a change to what we are used to,” Ms Sanders said.

Residents wanting to know more can attend a drop-in session at Council on Wednesday, November 9 or Thursday, November 10. Bookings are required, head to

People can also find out more about the proposed change and the affected areas, and give their feedback through the website and submissions close on Friday, November 25, at 5pm.

A copy of the proposed plan change is available for reading on-site at public libraries in Hastings, and at Hastings District Council's customer services centre, Lyndon Road, Hastings or online at  

11 November 2022

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