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Large directional road signs to be replaced on Hastings CBD ring road

Southampton Street Sign 1

Hastings District Council is set to replace more than 20 large, blue, road direction signs across the city centre that have become faded and hard to read.

In total, 21 signs will be replaced, seven signs removed and two new signs installed on the CBD ring road (Maraekākaho Road/Pakowhai Road, St Aubyn Street, Hastings Street and Southampton Street).

The replacements will address the poor condition of the signs that have been particularly affected by sun exposure over time.

Some of the larger signs attached to overhead metal supports will be replaced with smaller pole-mounted signs on the road shoulders.

As well as being easier to read, the new signs will provide consistency for wayfinding around the Hastings CBD, and will be more affordable to replace in the future.

It is likely the work will begin next week with the removal and replacement of the west facing, fading signage.

The contractors will try to limit traffic disruption as much as possible and traffic management will be place with detours where practicable.

While some work will be done after 6pm, for efficiency, contractors will need to undertake work during the day time as well.

After Christmas, contractors will start removing and replacing the remaining signs.

6 December 2022

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