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It’s Flaxmere’s Time!

Skate MyHastings Feb2023

Flaxmere is on a roll and some exciting developments were celebrated at the end of last year.

Flaxmere Skate Plaza

It was fantastic to come together with the community and celebrate the completion of the brand new Te Pae Whīra o Pā Harakeke Flaxmere Skate Park.

Spread over almost 1400m2 it features more than 20 skate elements, and is complemented by cultural design by mana whenua artists from the Iwi Toi Kahungunu Artists Collective.

For Te Pae Whīra, the collective interpreted a design brief by Te Waka o Māramatanga Kāhui Ako Rangatahi, school children from Pāharakeke Flaxmere, Bridge Pa, Pakipaki and Waimārama.

Three designs are interwoven on the paving, representing a whāriki woven mat:

  • Pātiki Flounder symbolises manaakitanga, abundance and hospitality, welcoming people into the space.
  • Kaokao Chevron represents interlocked arms, welcoming manuhiri visitors with its haka stance serving as a cautionary sign.
  • Takitoru links back to the way traditional sails were woven in a takitahi pattern, representing open communication.

The waharoa and poupou gateway is inspired by a strand of harakeke. Made of corten steel, it will weather to a rust-like colour, adding to the industrial feel of the skate plaza, while the back-lit panels bring vibrancy and colour.

The waharoa and poupou both incorporate designs of a kaitiaki using the Pitau-a-Manaia kōwhaiwhai form, while the swirling pattern represents the currents of the Ngaruroro River that used to flow through Flaxmere, and the healing winds of the Heretaunga plains.

The concrete ramp walls are adorned with Mangokoru kōwhaiwhai. Mangokoru is a design specific to Kahungunu, developed by artists of the Iwi Toi Kahungunu collective. Incorporating the Mangokoru within Te Pae Whīra celebrates our local Kahungunu identity. The three oxidized concrete colours on the skateable areas represent the three strands of the Ngaruroro.

Since opening, the skate park has been a real drawcard for people from all around the region, with hundreds taking the opportunity on fine days to check it out over the holidays.

Pāharakeke homes – developers announced

The building of new homes on council-owned land at 244 Flaxmere Ave will begin early this year, with two preferred development partners having been selected by Council to undertake the work.

At its final full meeting for 2022 last month, Council approved the negotiations being concluded and for development agreements to be finalised with affordable home ownership partners Veros and New Zealand Housing Foundation.

The 244 Flaxmere Ave site is one of three parcels of council-owned land in Flaxmere that is being prepared for new housing, and depending on the final development plans about 45 homes are expected to be built here.

The homes will be accessible to first home buyers, through a range of home ownership pathways such as shared ownership, rent to own, affordable rental and market sales.

All the houses will be owner/occupier for a period of no less than five years from the date of settlement and will be a mix of one, two and three-bedroom single and two-storey standalone, duplex and terraced housing.

This will result in homes suitable for all, to be close to whānau and the community they are connected with.

Overall about 150 homes are expected to be built across the three council-owned sites, with the developers for the other two sites at 72 Caernarvon Drive and 30 Swansea Rd to be announced from mid-way through this year.

Find out more about the homes being built in Flaxmere at

Ron Giorgi III playground upgrade

The playground at Ron Giorgi III Park has received a facelift. 

With a design inspired by kids from Irongate School and others in the community it includes a flying fox, swings, a scooter path, see-saw, slide mound, shade sail, seating and drinking fountain. All of these features complement the recently installed basketball court.

It is a ‘neighbourhood’ playground, which typically consists of three or four play pieces, with planting and seating, catering to younger children and caregivers who live close by.

9 February 2023

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