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Government Cyclone Recovery Unit Information

MyHastings May CleanUp

The Government taskforce continues to work with councils and insurance companies to assess the risk status of areas affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. These assessments will “build a picture” to enable the community discussion on options to address the risks. Every high-risk area is unique and will be influenced by different factors, so decisions must be carefully thought through and supported by evidence and community engagement. Local and regional councils will work with the government to ensure that community needs are reflected in recovery planning. The government is also working on economic recovery plans for Hawke’s Bay and the wider East Coast with various groups and sectors.


Key points

  • If your property has a red or yellow sticker on it, it doesn’t automatically mean that it’s too risky to rebuild on or that it’s in a high-risk area for future flooding. These stickers are rapid assessments of the immediate safety risk at the location carried out as soon as possible after a disaster, not an assessment of future risk.
  • Looking ahead, there are different things that can be done to improve safety. Managed retreat is one possibility, however other options could be building or enhancing stop banks, or changing the structure or location of buildings.
  • The government will work closely with communities and stakeholders to decide on the best course of action. They will consult with people in high-risk areas to make sure everyone’s needs and concerns are considered.
  • The Cyclone Recovery Unit is helping with the recovery efforts and coordinating the government’s plans to help affected areas. The government is committed to making careful and thorough decisions that take the needs of local communities into account.


27 April 2023

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