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Frimley water facility set to go

Frimley treatment plant

With the last phase of the on-site testing and commissioning of the Frimley drinking water storage and treatment plant completed, water from the plant is about to enter the public system.  This will enable the final testing of the pumping infrastructure and the integration with the network to be carried out.

During this final phase of commissioning, residents in Hastings, primarily west of the railway line and in Flaxmere may notice ‘bubbles’ which can look like discolouration in their water supply, and changes in water pressure.

“The water is fully treated and safe to drink, however we do want people to be aware that aeration and slight discolouration might occur,” said Hastings District Council three waters manager Steve Cave.

If bubbling occurs, which can make the water look ‘cloudy’, residents can safely use the water, or they may prefer to let the water sit for a short time which will allow the air to dissipate.

The extensive commissioning and testing of the facility had taken some months, which was normal for such a large facility, said Mr Cave. “There is a great deal of plant to thoroughly test to ensure we are confident that it will all operate as it should.”

Hastings mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said bringing the Frimley plant on line would be a major step towards ensuring the resilience of the Hastings drinking water supply. “The next and last major drinking water project will be the completion and commissioning of Waiaroha, the treatment and water storage facility on Southampton St. 

“This has been a long and complex programme, commissioned following the Havelock North water crisis in 2016. It started with the laying of a new five-kilometre water main between Hastings and Havelock North, the construction of a booster pump station in Havelock North, the building of Frimley and then Waiaroha, and all of the ancillary works that tie them together.

“Each of these major projects on their own was substantial; to build them all at essentially the same time has been a very complex challenge involving multiple skilled teams, both within Council and externally. It is incredibly satisfying that, with the support of our community, we have been able to construct facilities that will provide generations of Hastings residents with a safe and resilient drinking water supply.”

27 June 2023

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