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Where are we growing to?

pop up shop

Information will be available at the 223 Heretaunga St West pop up shop

Planning for residential and business development in Napier and Hastings over the next 30 years is underway, with input on initial growth areas being called for.

Government requires all councils to prepare a Future Development Strategy (FDS). Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council are working with iwi and hapū partners to develop the strategy.

While meeting projected growth needs, it must protect Hawke’s Bay’s productive soils, freshwater and natural environments, sites of significance to Māori, and other heritage features. It also needs to avoid hazards, factor in cultural wellbeing, the effects of climate change, and resilience. 

The vision for the project is that: “In 2053, Napier and Hastings have thriving, resident, safe, equitable, sustainable and connected communities, within a protected and enhanced natural environment.”

Hastings’ project lead Craig Scott said Hastings and Napier had a head-start on many districts, given the development of HPUDS more than 10 years ago.

It was prepared to ensure development occurred in a controlled manner in response to the region’s acknowledgment that natural resources should not be lost to development.

The areas identified for growth in HPUDS will be reassessed under the FDS parameters before being included, and the FDS will replace HPUDS.

Based on information gathered to date, the councils’ planning teams had prepared an Issues and Options Report, including maps showing where development might be feasible.

Information, including maps, are on display at a pop-up shop at 223 Heretaunga St West, Hastings 10am to 4pm, from October 30 to November 3. Residents are invited to call in to read the information or talk to a planning team member and provide their input. Or they can fill in the on-line survey:

27 October 2023

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