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Updated coastal inundation information clarifies risk for property owners

Haumoana coast

 Updated coastal inundation information, specifically commissioned for use when assessing Building Consent applications, has clarified the risk to Hastings properties.

Since 2016, Hastings District Council had relied on available hazard information for assessing the coastal inundation risk; namely the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Coastal Inundation Study.

The hazard information is noted on a property’s Land Information Memorandum and used when assessing Building Consent applications – particularly floor heights for properties at risk of inundation.

During conversations with affected residents in coastal areas in January last year, Council committed to commissioning a study specifically for Building Consent assessment.

It joined with Napier City Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to commission the Tonkin + Taylor report, received in November, covering Clifton to Tangoio.

Today [Thursday, December 14], Hastings and Napier councils considered the report and approved its public release. The owners of the affected properties were then contacted via email (if email addresses were held) or by post.

In Hastings, 843 properties had no change to their status, while just over 200 of the previously affected had a reduced risk.  Two hundred properties were newly affected.

Council’s group manager of planning and regulatory services John O’Shaughnessy said every property would be different depending on land contour and the siting and extent of any proposed building work.

“Very broadly, it means that applications for Building Consent must, under the Building Act and the Building Code, be considered taking into account the natural hazard. There are a number of considerations and potential solutions, so we strongly recommend property owners talk to their design professional or a Council building officer before starting on building plans.”

As well as individually advising property owners, the councils had included the interactive map on the Hawke’s Bay Hazards portal.

Hastings has a drop-in session planned for mid-January to answer questions from newly affected property owners.

In the meantime, owners have been provided with a dedicated email contact for those who would prefer to have their questions answered sooner, or who could not make the drop-in session.

Ahead of the report being placed on the building consent pages of the website, it can be viewed here.

14 December 2023

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