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Amendments, Minor Variations and Certificates of Acceptance

How to make applications for amendments or minor variations to a consent

Amendments to building consents must be made before the work is done. This application can be made by completing the Building Consent Amendment Form 2
It is required that you “cloud” the area of the work being altered to speed up processing times.

Minor variations are small changes that can usually be approved by the inspector onsite. It is in you/your builder’s best interest to raise these with the inspector as soon as possible. You may need to provide drawings etc. showing what the minor variation is. Council don’t have an application form for minor variations. To submit a minor variation at any stage during the consent process please contact the Duty Building Technician.

Managing changes on site

Matters can become complicated if changes are made on site without Council approval. You need to discuss any changes you wish to make to a design with both the designer and Council before making the change.

In some cases, you may need to apply for an amendment to the consent. Allow up to 20 working days for approval.

In other cases the work may be a minor variation (see the page: ‘How to make applications for minor variations or amendments to a consent’). Changes could hold up your project if not managed appropriately.

Certificate of Acceptance

A Certificate of Acceptance (CoA) provides verification for the owner of a building that part, or all, of specified building work complies with the Building Code.

A Certificate of Acceptance can be issued where:

  • Building work has been carried out in urgency to avoid health and safety risks
  • Work that required Building Consent was carried out after 1 July, 1992 without a Building Consent
  • An approved private Building Consent Authority or Building Certifier is unable to issue a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) for work carried out under a Building Consent
  • A CCC cannot be issued for work carried out to a building that is open to members of the public, and for which a Building Consent was issued before 31 March, 2005

A CoA can be issued only if the work complies with the Building Code at the time the CoA is applied for. It will list the work that the Council has inspected and may also list items (exclusions) that the Council has been unable to verify as complying with the Building Code.

Applying for a CoA

Your application will need to provide evidence of how the work complies with the Building Code, including those parts of the work that Council cannot inspect. The application form is available in the 'related documents' section at the bottom of this page.

All applications need to include the following:

  • Detailed plans and specifications prepared by a Licensed Building Practitioner
  • Design and/or supervision certificates for:
    • Trusses
    • Engineering
    • Electrical
    • Plumbing
    • Drainage
    • Roofing and cladding installers
  • A current Record of Title
  • A report from a suitably qualified consultant on the applicable construction and compliance with the Building Code
  • A letter from the present owner explaining why a Building Consent was not obtained (if applicable) prior to construction

Submit the completed application forms by one of the following methods:

  • Deliver the application to Council's administration building, Lyndon Rd, Hastings
  • Mail the application to: Building Team, Hastings District Council, Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156

Once Council has received an application the project will be reviewed by building and planning staff. Further information may be requested by Council at this point. After the CoA has been reviewed an inspection will be arranged to verify compliance. If the inspection passes, a CoA may be issued for the entire structure or only the portion that meets the Building Code.

Building work carried out before 1 July, 1992

A CoA cannot be issued for building work identified as having been completed before 1 July, 1992. There is no process available through Council for acceptance or qualification of this work.

Where such building work is the subject of a building report for a sale and purchase agreement, you will need to obtain the services of a qualified person from the private sector to confirm the building work is safe and sound.

Fees and timeframe

A deposit must accompany all applications for CoAs; see Council's Building Fees and Charges page. If extra costs are incurred during the processing of an application, these costs will be invoiced to the applicant and must be paid before the CoA can be issued.

Council must grant or refuse the application within 20 working days (not including weekends and public holidays) of receiving an application for a Certificate of Acceptance. If further information is requested the processing 'clock' stops and restarts once the information is received.



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