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Business Improvement District (BID)

A Business Improvement District (BID) is a partnership between a local authority and a defined local business community to develop projects and services that benefit the trading environment and which align with the local authority’s objectives.

HastingsA Business Improvement District (BID) is a partnership between a local authority and a defined local business community to develop projects and services that benefit the trading environment and which align with the local authority’s objectives. A BID is supported by a targeted rate, levied on and collected from non-residential properties within the defined boundary.  BIDs enable local business groups, which have a clear mandate from their communities, to develop a range of services that complement existing Council services and improvements. BIDs can also help districts speak with a more effective collective voice, giving them more influence on the development of Council strategies and projects to achieve better outcomes for their community.

A BID is generally managed by a Business Association and supported by a targeted rate, levied on, and collected from non-residential (business) properties within the defined boundary.

The Business Associations are accountable to their memberships for the application of the BID targeted rate and alignment with their approved annual plan.

View the HDC Business Improvement District Policy here.

There are currently two Business Improvement Districts in Hastings district.


Hastings City Business Association



Havelock North Business Association




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