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Mobile License Plate Recognition (MLPR)

Mobile Licence Plate Recognition (MLPR) Car parking

MLPR is a relatively new parking enforcement technology that improves efficiency and significantly reduces health and safety risks to staff by allowing processing to be done from thesafety of a vehicle. This change comes as there has been an increase in abuse towards staff, making it increasingly challenging to find individuals willing to take on the role of parking wardens.

MLPR works in tandem with parking wardens, monitoring both timed and metered parking areas in Hastings and Havelock North.

This technology is simple, capturing a vehicle's registration number and location and identifying if an offence has occurred. If an offence is detected, New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) confirms the address related to the vehicle and Council issues the infringement notice.

Where an offence is detected:

  • in a metered area, a parking warden will be notified and may issue an infringement notice
  • in a timed area, an infringement notice may be mailed to the vehicle's registered owner

This technology is very simple. The MLPR system captures the vehicles registration number and location and identifies if an offence has been committed. An administration officer reviews the data to confirm an offence before the infringement is processed.

The camera has highly advanced licence plate reading technology and a built-in infrared illumination board. This, paired with camera sensors, allows for accurate reading of licence plates in low light, even in pitch black darkness.

The wheel images are reviewed by officers to determine if the vehicle has moved or not, the license plate identifies the offending vehicle.

MLPR is used in both Havelock North and Hastings. Note, other private enforcement agencies may use LPR technology e.g. in private car parks.

The same as we currently do when you receive an infringement in the post. If an offence is detected a motor vehicle check is undertaken with New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). Only authorised people can source the NZTA database for details.

Yes, it is used for both timed and metered parking.

Yes, parking wardens will work in tandem with MLPR. Non-payment tickets are issued by parking wardens, while MLPR tickets are posted.

The details are used to process an infringement if there is an offence. 

Parking tickets will be processed within one week from the date of the offence and dispatched by ordinary post.

The infringement notice will be sent to the address of the registered vehicle owner as listed on the NZTA record.

The registered vehicle owner is responsible. To transfer the liability from the registered owner to the actual driver would require a statutory declaration.

The infringement fees are set by central government.

All infringements are processed through the same enforcement system; however, you could receive multiple infringements if you commit multiple offences.

Yes, your rights remain the same. You can dispute an infringement by completing the online Infringement Explanation form.

Infringement notices are issued by Council.

We are currently working with CCS Disability Action Inc on an electronic system to detect mobility permits.

  • Mobility spaces in 'metered' zones are processed by foot patrol, so there is no change to the current process
  • Mobility spaces in 'timed' zones are easily identified, therefore no tickets will be issued

Car parking rules for mobility permit holders remain the same. If a mobility card holder receives a ticket while using a non-disability car park, they can have the ticket reviewed using the online portal (, or phone Council’s customer services team on 871 5000 for information on the review process.

Mobile License Plate Recognition (MLPR) is the emerging technology in parking enforcement. It improves efficiency and reduces health and safety exposure to staff by allowing processing to be done from the safety of the vehicle.

Parking management is used so that everyone has a fair go. Traffic is turned over giving everyone access to retail and commercial premises. This helps create a vibrant and thriving CBD. It also promotes safety, preventing people from parking illegally or using unroadworthy vehicles.


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