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Again Again Coffee Scheme Subsidy

The Again Again Coffee Scheme allows customers to pay a small deposit to borrow a cup, when this gets returned it’s refunded! Easy.

again again cups

The Waste Minimisation Team is eager to see cafés in the Hastings District reduce waste from single-use coffee cups and want to support cafés with a subsidy to trial Again Again.

Jump on board and be a leader in the waste space!

Council will help cover approximately half of the cost of the first six months of joining a scheme.

What does this mean for you and your café? When signing up for the 6 month trial, Hastings District Council will cover the costs of the “Start Now” Package and the initial fleet cost. The exact value of this will depend on the size of the coffee shop and the most suitable package determined by the café and Again Again.

All we ask of cafés is that they are happy to complete a short questionnaire at the 3 month and 6 month mark. This will be to help assess how the scheme is going and how many cups we are managing to divert!

And if it doesn’t work? If the trial isn’t successful you can return the cups for $2.50 to Again Again which means that the six-month trial will cost you approx. $50.

More information on Again Again can be found on their website here, or if you have any questions about how the subsidy works then please contact the Waste Minimisation Team at

To sign up you will need a quote from Again Again, you can contact them at

Once you have your quote please fill in the form below.

Follow this link if the form fails to load. online form.

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