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Overnight parking for certified self-contained vehiclesTe whakatū waka i te pō mō ngā waka tāwhai

Hastings, with its wineries, beautiful beaches and spectacular landscape, is the perfect place to explore. Increasingly our visitors are independent campers and Hastings is keen to welcome them. If they are in certified self-contained vehicles then there are a number of overnight parking options, while other campers are made very welcome at holiday parks and campgrounds in our region.

Freedom/independent camping in Hastings

The rules for independent campers are different, depending on whether campers are in a self-contained vehicle (with a clearly displayed certificate of self-containment and warrant card), or in a non-self-contained vehicle, such as a tent or caravan/van without self-containment accreditation.

Non-self-contained vehicles and tents

People wanting to camp overnight in the likes of a van or car without self-contained accreditation can only stay in commercial campgrounds and holiday parks. Under the Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Act, freedom camping in a temporary structure (eg a tent) or non-certified vehicle within Hastings is not allowed. This includes on parks and reserves, roads (including state highways) beaches and river sides.

Certified self-contained vehicles

The rules for certified self-contained vehicles are different.

A certificate of self-containment and warrant card show that the certified vehicle has wastewater systems that protect the natural environment from indiscriminate waste disposal. The official documents must be placed on the front windscreen or side window of the motorhome/caravan, clearly visible to an inspector.

A self-containment certificate and warrant card is obtained through a registered certification authority.

Designated Council sites for overnight parking in self-contained vehicles

Designated Council sites for overnight parking in self-contained vehicles

Hastings District Council permits overnight parking for self-contained warranted vehicles at specific reserves and at one central Hastings city site for a maximum of two consecutive nights per month per site. The designated sites are:

Located on the shores of the Clive River between Napier and Hastings, within walking distance of Clive township.  Overnight parking is permitted only on Hastings District Council land at the playground end of the sealed car park. No overnight camping is allowed on the Hawke's Bay Regional Council sealed car park beyond the boat ramp. Campers need to be aware that this area is subject to flooding during heavy rainfall or very high tides. Toilet facilities are available.

A beachfront reserve between Haumoana and Te Awanga, nearby attractions include many wineries with restaurants, fishing spots and cycle trails. Toilet facilities are available.

A beachfront reserve on the banks of the Tukituki River, located between Napier and Hastings, this small, popular beach area has a dairy, hotel and coffee cart. Toilet facilities are available.

Situated in a picturesque rural setting about three kilometres north of Hastings, this is a popular destination for day walks and is a designated off-lead dog exercise area. Note that the car park is owned by Hastings District Council, but the reserve is owned by Hawke's Bay Regional Council, where overnight camping is prohibited. No toilet facilities are available.

This reserve, alongside the Tutaekuri River, west of Napier, near the Puketapu store, hotel, and school, features a cricket pitch, toilets, playground and barbecue facilities. Overnight self-contained parking is only permitted from the start of daylight savings (spring) to the end of daylight savings (autumn).  There is access to bore water on site but it is not suitable for drinking.

A reserve located alongside the Mangaone  River that is near several popular wineries in the Dartmoor Valley. No toilet facilities are available.

In the centre of the city, this car park provides easy access to shops, bars, restaurants and inner city green spaces.  Parking is free overnight (6pm to 8am), however normal parking charges apply during the day (8am to 6pm).


Conditions for overnight parking on designated sites

  • A current self-containment warrant must be displayed on the inside left of the front window or windshield, with the warrant details facing outward for clear external viewing.
  • Maximum stay: two nights per month per site.
  • All refuse must be removed and disposed of it at an approved transfer station; do not leave rubbish in or beside litter bins provided on-site for small items.
  • Black water (sewage) and grey water (sink, hand basin, and shower water) must be disposed of at designated dump stations only.
  • Do not light any fires.
  • Keep dogs on leads at all times.
  • Be considerate of others.
  • Generator use: maximum of two hours a day, between 8 am and 8 pm only.
  • Maintain a three-metre gap between vehicles and park tow vehicles at a 90-degree angle in front of the motor caravan/caravan; avoid parking parallel to the beach/river view.

These sites are are monitored daily by a local security firm, and breaches of the rules may result in the issuing of a trespass notice. All overnight campers are required to comply with any request to move on by a Council-approved officer.

Short term parking in Council’s urban car parks

Metered and timed street parking may be used by motorhomes and campervans, provided the vehicle does not extend beyond the end of the white line marking the parking space. The advertised fees and time limits apply.

Designated dump stations

Dump stations for disposing of wastewater are located in Napier Road in Havelock North and Kenilworth Road in Hastings.

Recycling and rubbish disposal

All commonly recyclable materials can be disposed of free of charge at the Hastings District Council Refuse Transfer Stations in Haumoana (Mill Road, Clive) and Flaxmere (Henderson Road, Hastings). General rubbish can also be disposed of at the transfer stations for a fee. For information on hours of operation and charges, see the transfer stations page.

FAQs for campers

Freedom camping in a non-self-contained vehicle or temporary structure (ie tent) is not allowed on public land in Hastings under the Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Act, the Freedom Camping Act, and Council’s District-wide Reserve Management Plan.

Vehicles displaying a current certificate of self-containment and warrant card, can park for a maximum of two consecutive nights a month in these designated sites:

  • Evers-Swindell Reserve, Clive
  • Clifton Road Reserve, Te Awanga
  • Haumoana Domain, Haumoana
  • Pakowhai Country Park car park, Hastings
  • Puketapu Domain, Puketapu
  • Dartmoor Bridge Reserve, Puketapu
  • Eastbourne St off-street car park, Hastings city

Yes, if you are in a vehicle showing a current certificate of self-containment and warrant card. Normal vehicle parking rules apply (eg not within six metres of an intersection). Vehicles that are not moved for a minimum of seven days may be investigated by Council’s parking team under its abandoned vehicles rules.

It is a vehicle that is officially certified as meeting all ablutionary and sanitary needs of the occupants for at least three days. The self-containment warrant card must be displayed in a way that the details can clearly be seen from outside the vehicle.

A maximum of two nights per month per site.

Rubbish and recycling can be disposed of at transfer stations in Haumaoa and Flaxmere (more info here), while wastewater can be disposed at two sites, one in Kenilworth Road, Hastings and one in Napier Road, Havelock North.

FAQs for residents concerned about freedom camping behaviour

Yes, if they are in a vehicle showing a current certificate of self-containment and warrant card. Normal vehicle parking rules apply (eg not within six metres of an intersection). Vehicles that are not moved for a minimum of seven days may be investigated by Council’s parking team under its abandoned vehicles rules.

No, if they are in a non-self-contained vehicle, eg tent or non-self-contained van. You can report non-self-contained camping here or phone 06 871 5000.

Yes, but only in vehicles showing a current certificate of self-containment and warrant card, and only in these areas designated by Council. If campers are parked on reserves outside of these areas, you can report this to Council online here or phone 06 871 5000.

Any offensive or dangerous behaviour should be reported to police.

Please report these matters to Council online here or phone 06 871 5000.

No, vehicles showing a current certificate of self-containment and warrant card can park overnight on Council’s roads and streets and on state highways under the same rules as any other vehicle. The exception is that a vehicle is parked in the same spot without being moved for seven days or more may be investigated by Council as an abandoned vehicle under its parking regulations.

No, Council does not have a camping bylaw. Rules on freedom/independent camping in Hastings are covered by The Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Act, the Freedom Camping Act, and Council’s District-wide reserve Management Plan.

Yes, camping in a non-self-contained vehicle or tent should be reported to Council so a Council officer can attend and ask them to move to a campground. You do that online here or phone 06 871 5000.

It is illegal to defecate or urinate in a public place (although there are some defences), so the matter should be reported to police.

It depends on whether the person is a camper or homeless. The rules on homeless people ‘sleeping rough’ are complex. In the first instance, report the matter to Council which will work with agencies that will try to assist the person to find alternative accommodation. If the person is not homeless (ie just camping), then they will be asked to move. You do that online here or phone 06 871 5000.


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