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Cornwall Park Bird Aviary

The bird aviary in Cornwall Park is one of the few remaining free-flying aviaries in a public park in New Zealand. It is highly regarded and a popular feature with visitors to the park. The aviary is home around 100 birds, mainly lorikeets, cockatiels and budgerigars.

Ngā tāhuhu kōrero

In the 1920’s there was a zoo beside the pond at Cornwall Park which was home to a number of animals, including monkeys and turtles!

The bird aviary was built in Cornwall Park in 1935. It consisted of a number of small wire cafes, housing over 200 different types of birds, including kea. Since then, the aviaries have evolved to create space for natural behaviours such as flight and foraging. The aviary is now home to around 100 birds, mainly lorikeets, cockatiels and budgerigars.

When in captivity it is important to provide our animals with opportunities to perform natural behaviours. An example of this is planting. Our plants don’t just look nice but they provide natural perching, and foraging opportunities to the residents.

The landscaping has been developed with the birds’ origins in mind, incorporating plants from their natural habitats allowing them to feel right at home.

Cornwall Park aviary is one of the few remaining free flying aviaries in a public park in New Zealand and is a highly regarded and popular feature with visitors.  

Ko ngā manu whanokē me ngā manu mīharo
Weird and wonderful birds

Where do our birds come from?

Most of our resident flocks are form warmer climates, such as India and Australia. On those hot Hawke's Bay summer days our birds can be seen ruffling their feathers and splashing around in the water. We have installed misting sprays and a water feature to keep them clean and cool.

What do our birds eat?

Captive diets need to replicate the nutritional requirements for each different species. Did you know that bread and cheese are like junk food to birds! Birds eat a balanced diet of naturally occurring foods. Parrots, like the species we hold at Cornwall Park, typically eat a range of seeds, fruit, insects and vegetation. Our aviary supplies a wide variety of plants, providing a continuous natural food supply. The plants also provide food for insects which in turn are eaten by the birds. The birds in this aviary are offered a variety of seeds, nuts, fruit and vegetables are given fresh daily. They especially LOVE apples and grapes!

Cornwall Park Aviary


Cornwall Park Aviary


Cornwall Park Aviary

Click the tiles below to learn more about the birds (and turtles) at Cornwall Park Bird Aviary


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