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Objecting to a licence application

If you want to object to an alcohol licence application, you must be in a position of 'greater interest' than the general public.

You have 'greater interest' if you are likely to be more affected by the licence than most other people. For example, if you live in the same street as the proposed licensed premises you could be in a position of greater interest than someone who lives 20km away and has general concerns about the effects of alcohol on the community.

Before filing your objection, you may wish to read the Health Promotion Agency’s recommendations on how to draft an objection.

What you can you object to?

The following may be grounds for objection:

  • suitability of the applicant
  • days and hours alcohol is proposed to be sold
  • days and hours the club premises will be used for club activities
  • proposed designation of the premises (whether minors will be allowed on the premises)
  • lack of enforcement for the minimum age requirements
  • lack of non-alcoholic refreshments and/or availability of food
  • the sale and supply of goods and services other than alcohol or food
  • whether the application meets the object of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (to minimise the negative impacts of alcohol on the community)
  • the design and layout of any proposed premises
  • whether the “amenity and good order of the locality” would be reduced by more than a minor extent
  • whether the “amenity and good order of the locality” is already badly impacted by existing alcohol licences
  • whether the applicant has capable, well-trained staff and good systems in place to meet their responsibilities when supplying alcohol

When the alcohol licence application is considered ”amenity and good order of the locality” will take into account elements such as:

  • noise levels (relating to the licensed premises)
  • nuisance and vandalism (e.g. wilful damage, graffiti and crime)
  • the number and types of licensed premises in an area
  • community, educational or other facilities in the vicinity of the proposed licensed premises.

What to include in your objection

Your letter of objection must include:

  • the name and location of the licensed premises or proposed premises
  • why you consider you have an interest that is greater than the general public
  • your grounds for objection
  • your signature
  • your name, address and contact details including phone number

Public objections to alcohol licence applications cannot be made anonymously under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

How to object

Your objection must be in writing on the Objection to an application for an alcohol licence form (provided below) and must be filed with the Council within 25 working days of the date of the first newspaper notice.


Objections can be filed by post, email or in person.

Post: Alcohol Licensing, Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156
In person: Hastings District Council customer service centre, 207 Lyndon Road East, Hastings


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