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Signs and HoardingsNgā tohu tūturu me ngā tohu taupua

Council supports and encourages events and businesses in the district, part of which includes allowing signs advertising business and events to be erected. However, for safety and to manage visual impact, rules in the District Plan and Council bylaws set out the size and content allowed.

You can erect signs on private property, provided you follow the rules set out in the Hastings District Council District Plan. The rules, summarised below, determine the size, location and nature of signs that can be erected. There are different rules for different parts of the district. They have been designed to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians, as well as manage the cumulative visual impact.

If your sign does not comply with the rules, speak to a Council environmental planner about applying for a land use Resource Consent.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in enforcement action under the Resource Management Act 1991.

Temporary signs on private property

You can temporarily advertise your community, educational, cultural or sporting event on private property for up to three months before and seven days after an event. All temporary signs must be on private property and not on road reserve, which includes grass verges and footpaths.

All signs advertising the sale or auction of real estate must be located on the site that is being sold. They can remain on the site for up to one month after the date the property is sold.

The maximum area of temporary signs per site is limited to 2.5m2.

Permanent signs

Permanent signs can be erected in Rural, Plains and Residential zones without Resource Consent where they meet the following standards:

  • The sign is located on the site where the activity is being carried out
  • The sign is completely within private property
  • The sign is not illuminated
  • The sign is not on a heritage building
  • The size, content and location are in accordance with the District Plan standards for the area in which the sign is to be erected

Election hoardings/signs

Please contact the Council Compliance Officer in Planning & Regulatory Services for up-to-date information on when election signs can be erected and the size of signs permitted under the District Plan and relevant electoral legislation.  Information is also available on the Electoral Commission website.

Sandwich board signs on public places (bylaw)

One "Sandwich Board" type sign per premises is permitted in areas zoned Commercial and Industrial in the District Plan subject to the following conditions:

  1. That the sign dimensions be no greater than 0.5 metres in width and no greater than 1.2 metres and no less than 0.9 metres in height.
  2. That in the Central Business District of Hastings and Havelock North as defined in the District Plan and Flaxmere village shopping centres such signs shall be placed adjacent to the building frontage and shall extend no further than 0.5 metres onto the pavement. In all other areas such signs shall be placed either adjacent to the building frontage or the kerb, provided that where it is placed adjacent to the kerb it shall be positioned between marked parking spaces or adjacent to parking meters where these exist.
  3. That in spite of 1) and 2) above no sign shall be permitted which is likely to cause undue obstruction to pedestrians, or constitute a danger to people or property, or is likely to be offensive or cause a detraction from amenities.
  4. Any additional advertising devices shall be placed flat against the building and secured in a manner that will prevent them from falling onto the footpath.

Making a complaint

If you have a complaint about a sign that you believe does not comply with the District Plan rules contact a Council planning compliance officer.


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