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Portable or temporary structures

If you’re erecting tents or marquees over 100m2, platforms/staging over 1m high, or scaffold towers and grandstands, you will need to apply for Building Consent. Our building team will work with you to ensure the work complies with the Building Code in terms of safety.

You will be asked to indicate on the Event Notification Form what kind of portable or temporary structures you will be having at your event and you will most likely be asked to include the following information with your Building Consent application:

A site plan showing the location of the marquee, distances (approx) to the boundaries and floor plan of the marquee showing:

  • seating layout if applicable
  • exit points (with signage) - number dependant on size of marquee and number of people
  • stage configuration if applicable
  • fire safety systems such as portable alarms and extinguishers
  • design specifications of the marquee including wind load calculations and the number of people it will hold
  • basic fire design calculation for occupancy

To find out about exemptions for marquees/tents and Building Consent view information on our consent exemptions pages

Event notification form


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