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Opening a food businessTe whakatuwhera pakihi hoko kai

The Food Act 2014

The Food Act 2014 came into force on 1 March, 2016. The Act applies to all food businesses, including commercial food stall holders and mobile food businesses.

Who do I register my food business with?

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and all territorial authorities (councils) are registration authorities under the Food Act 2014. Their regulatory functions include the registration of:

Food control plans

A food control plan sets out the steps a business making or selling higher-risk foods needs to take to make safe food.  It is used to identify food safety risks, and to show how they're being managed.  Further information on food control plans can be found on the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) website.

National programmes

A national programme is the way that lower-risk food businesses operate under the Food Act 2014.  Further information on National Programmes can found on the MPI website.

Who does what?

Food control plans and national programmes are also known as risk-based measures (RBMs). The table below outlines which organisation most businesses will register with under each RBM.

RBM Registration authority
Customised Food Control Plan MPI
Templated Food Control Plan – single territorial authority region Relevant council
Templated Food Control Plan – multiple territorial authority regions MPI, or the individual councils (businesses choose which option works best for them)
National Programme – single territorial authority region Relevant council
National Programme – multiple territorial authority regions MPI, or the individual councils (businesses choose which option works best for them)


Verification of food control plans or national programmes

Your business will need to be verified (audited) when you first register it.  For information on who can verify your business and the required frequency of subsequent verifications, please contact a Hastings District Council Environmental Health Officer; +64 6 871 5000.

What is a verification?

A verification (previously known as an inspection) is an onsite visit to your business to establish how it is complying with the requirements of the programme or plan you are registered under.  It will involve a mixture of questions from the verifier, requests to demonstrate food safety practices, auditing of related records and also a ‘reality check’ of the premises.

Impartiality and avoidance of conflicts of interest

The impartiality and integrity of Council employees in all work undertaken by staff is central to the maintenance of public confidence in the Council.  Council employees are subject to the Hastings District Council conflict of interest policy.

Complaints and disputes (appeal procedure)

If you have a complaint in relation to the verification, or the person conducting it, or you dispute any recommendation put forward by your verifier, or you would like to comment on the service you received, please contact the Team Leader Environmental Health at the Hastings District Council.

We document all complaints, disputes and compliments in an attempt to continually improve our service under our Quality Management System. All complaints or disputes are confidential.

Frequently asked questions

Where does my business fit in the food regime?
To help you find out what food safety measure your business needs to operate under, the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) has developed a 'My food rules'  tool?.

Opening a new food business in Hastings
A pamphlet on opening a new food business in Hastings can be downloaded from the 'related documents' section at the top of this page.

How do I register with the Hastings District Council?
An application form for a Food Control Plan or National Programme is available from the 'related documents' section at the top of this page, or from Council's Customer Service Centre, 207 Lyndon Road East, Hastings. The form should be completed, signed and returned to Council with the registration fee, and an appointment with a Council environmental health officer made.

Amendments or changes to a food control plan
To make a significant amendment, like changing premises or changing the business structure where this impacts the overall operation, please complete an application for registration of significantly amended template food control plan under the Food Act 2014 form, available from the 'related documents' section at the top of this page.

Surrender of licence for a food business
To advise Council that:

  • Your business has been sold or has ceased trading and you want to surrender your registration or
  • You wish to temporarily suspend all operations at one or more sites to which the registration applies. Please note: The minimum voluntary suspension period is three months and maximum period is 12 months.

Please complete the application to surrender or suspend registration; also found in the 'related documents' section at the top of this page.

Reopening a food business after a power cut or civil emergency

MPI have provided a checklist for food businesses to use after a power cut or civil emergency.

More information
To find out more information visit MPI's frequently asked questions


Details of fees can be viewed on the fees and charges page.

Food complaints

Complaints about suspected food poisoning

If your complaint is about a suspected food poisoning please view the 'making a food complaint' section of the MPI website.

Complaints about food safety and hygiene

If you have concerns or complaints about a food business relating to issues such as cleanliness, food hygiene practices, food safety issues or foreign objects found in food, please contact the Council's environmental health team; phone 06 871 5000.


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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hastings District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hastings District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hastings District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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