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Compliance Schedules and Building Warrant of Fitness

Certain buildings may require a compliance schedule.

If your building includes specified systems such as fire sprinklers, alarms, backflow preventers, emergency lighting etc., your application must include information on these. This should include the:

  • Performance standards to which the specified systems will be installed
  • Inspection maintenance and reporting procedures to be listed on the compliance schedule.

MBIE Exemplar Compliance SchedulePerformance standards should include references to:
A specific Building Code performance or
If referring to Standards or acceptable solutions, the references should include dates and versions of the documents referred to.

Recently MBIE have produced an exemplar compliance schedule. This is MBIE’s view of what, at a minimum, a compliance schedule should include.

The information to be included in a compliance schedule needs to be provided at the time a building consent application is made.

In order to meet MBIE’s guidance designers will need to work with designers /installers of specified systems before lodging their building consent to be able to provide the information as explained in the MBIE guidance.

The MBIE guidance can be found here.

*For single household unit this section only applies if you have a cable car.

Building Warrant of Fitness

An annual Building Warrant of Fitness is a statutory declaration prepared by the building owner or their Independent Qualified Person (IQP). It must be supplied to Council on each anniversary of the issue of the Compliance Schedule. It states that the requirements of the building's Compliance Schedule have been fully complied with over the previous 12 months (i.e. verifying that systems are in working order).

The Building Warrant of Fitness must have attached to it all certificates of compliance issued by the IQP.

The documents must be completed in the prescribed form (Form 12 in the 'related documents' section ) and certify that the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures stated in the Compliance Schedule have been fully complied with during the previous 12 months.

The building owner is responsible for signing Form 12 and supplying it along with the Form 12As to Council on the anniversary of the Compliance Schedule being issued.

A copy of the Building Warrant of Fitness must be displayed in a prominent place in the building and copies of the certificates provided by the IQP must be available on request.

For the first year you must display the Compliance Schedule Statement in a public place in the building in the same way as the Building WoF which replaces it.

What BWoF documents need to be kept?

Building owners are legally required to keep all the written reports relating to the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures of the Compliance Schedule, which must be signed by the IQPs who carried out any of the listed procedures (inspection, maintenance or reporting). The records must be kept for a period of two years and be produced for inspection when required.

Penalties for no Compliance Schedule or expired BWoF

There are a number of infringements that can be issued to an owner of a building for not complying with the legislative requirements. The infringements range from $250 for failing to obtain a Compliance Schedule, to $1000 for failing to display a current BWOF in accordance with Section 108 of the Building Act 2004.
Independent Qualified Persons (IQPs)

An IQP is a tradesperson who is qualified and registered to carry out performance inspections, maintenance, reporting or recommendations on a specified system. All IQPs are required to be registered with Council.  The East Coast IQP register and the IQP application form are available from the 'related documents' section at the top of this page.


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