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PlaygroundsNgā papa tākaro

Thirty eight of Hastings parks and reserves have playgrounds on them, with equipment ranging from traditional swings and roundabouts to water features and flying foxes. Some of are set in rural areas, others in the suburbs and in the central city.

Playgrounds are important for wellbeing, providing kids with a safe place to play and have fun. Of our 191 parks and reserves, about 42 have playgrounds. We’re proud that 86% of urban homes within Hastings district are within walking distance (500m) of a playground. Cornwall Park Playground Upgrade Nov 2019 6 Medium

Use the map to locate a playground, or see the list of parks and reserves which include a playground beneath the map and click on a link for more information.

When developing the 10-year Long Term Plan, we identified a number of Hastings district playgrounds in need of complete replacement. The plan also includes minor improvements to some existing playgrounds that don’t require a complete replacement.

We have a number of playground projects on the go over the next year, you can view these on the playgrounds project page.


When considering accessibility we have considered physical, intellectual and vision disabilities and how these might impact on a user’s experience in our playgrounds.

Almost all of our playgrounds are accessible for users with low vision or intellectual disabilities.

However for those with physical disabilities or limited mobility there can be impediments to access/use of some play equipment, primarily around the type of safety surfacing used around the equipment.

For wheelchair users specifically, 19 of the 42 playgrounds are accessible. The remaining 23 have certified playground bark chip surfacing which is difficult to negotiate in a wheelchair.

In recent years Council has been replacing bark chip surfacing in our playgrounds with wheelchair friendly safety surfacing when doing playground upgrades so we ensure all users have access into and around our playgrounds.

When upgrading or installing new playgrounds, Council works closely with the Safer Hastings Disability Reference Group to ensure we are meeting the needs of all playground users.

In Hastings District, we have developed fully accessible playgrounds in each of our main urban centres – Flaxmere, Havelock North and Hastings.

These parks have:
• Pathways to gain access to playgrounds
• Wheelchair friendly surfacing
• Play opportunities either at ground level or where users can be easily transferred to play equipment
• Seating and shade provision
• Toilet facilities
• Disabled parking nearby.

In Hastings there are two key playgrounds that have been specifically designed with accessibility and inclusivity in mind – Frimley Park and Cornwall Park.

Playgrounds Map


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