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Off Licence

An off-licence allows for the sale and supply of Alcohol to persons for consumption off a licensed premises. Examples of a premises that require an off-licence include bottle stores, supermarkets or cellar door wineries.

Supermarkets and grocery stores can only sell wine and beer. There is strict criteria to be classified as a grocery store or supermarket. Definitions can be found in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 – Section 33.

An off-licence is initially issued for one year. If all conditions are met during this time the licence can be renewed on a three yearly basis.

Starting a new off-licence business

To apply for a new off-licence you will need building and planning certificates. There may also be other requirements, so please speak to Council before applying; phone 871 5000.

There is also a requirement that there be a certified Duty Manager on the premises at all times that alcohol is being sold. For more information and to apply see: Duty Manager's certificate.

If you are ready to apply please use the link below to complete the online application form. The form details all the documents you need to provide to Council.

The online process provides a structured workflow which ensures all required information is received and the application can be processed quickly.  You will receive a thank you confirmation screen with payment link, online payment is required to complete the online process.

If you want to see the status of your application and see a copy of your file with us at any time, you can log in and you will see all the details about your application including a copy of your application and where in the process your application is.


Renewing an off-licence

To renew your off-licence, you will need your Alcohol Licence Number, found on your current licence. If the licence expires before it is renewed, you must apply for a new licence.



The fees for an alcohol licence are worked out on a risk-based model, found in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Regulations (Fees) 2013.  Your fees will be automatically calculated when you apply for your licence.




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