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Civic Square

Image of Civic Square park.

Civic Square is the largest open space within the central city and is a place of significant cultural connection for Hastings and Hawke's Bay.

Home to the Hastings War Memorial Library, Hastings City Art Gallery, Women’s Rest, and the Hastings Cenotaph, the square also has a large grassed area with picnic table, a number of significant mature, shade-giving trees and a small fenced playground. Playground equipment includes swings and climbing frames and slides.

A key feature of Civic Square is the collection of the pou that stand proudly in the middle of the square. Each pou is carved from ancient totara and represents an ancestor from one of 18 marae in Heretaunga. An information board provides details on the whakapapa of each marae, a full narrative about their ancestor, and their connection with Heretaunga. Further information and a map of the 18 Heretaunga pou is available from the ‘related documents’ section at the top of this page.

In 2017, a 19th pou, Te Pou o Takitumu ki Rarotonga to Heretaunga, was gifted by Rarotonga to the people of Hastings and installed alongside the original 18 pou.

Seating: Yes

Public toilets: No

The entrances to the park are off Eastbourne St, Russell St, Lyndon Rd and Warren St.

Maintenance and development programmes for this park are governed by the District Wide Reserve Management Plan

Civic Square (Library) Location map

201 Warren Street South Road Hastings


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