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Vehicle CrossingAra whakawhitinga waka

Because vehicle crossings (the part of the driveway that joins the street with a driveway) cross over public land, Council must ensure that the work is completed to an acceptable standard. Of note is that the work must be carried out by an approved Council contractor. On this page you can find out about the process, and access a list of those approved contractors.

A vehicle crossing is the access point between a property and a public road (sometimes referred to as the 'apron' of the driveway). All vehicle crossings must be constructed by a Council-approved contractor.

Most applications for vehicle crossings are lodged as part of the Building Consent or Resource Consent process. In these cases your Council-approved contractor will submit the application on your behalf and there is no fee for this application. The contractor will need your Building Consent and/or Resource Consent application number(s) and a copy of the conditions of the consent(s).

Applications for a vehicle crossing not related to a consent must be made using the Vehicle Crossing Application form, listed below, alternatively you can obtain a hard copy from Council's administration building, Lyndon Rd, Hastings. Council will assess and approve your application before you engage an approved contractor. These applications do incur a fee; see the 'Transportation' section on the Fees and Charges page - transportation.

Approved contractors

A list of approved contractors is also listed below. (Information on becoming a pre-qualified contractor for vehicle crossings can be found in the 'related documents' section)


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