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Forms, Fees & Charges

Appropriate forms to complete

When applying for a building consent you will need to fill out a building consent application form (Form 2). The form requires you to include highly technical information and if you are not familiar with this application process, Council suggests you get a competent design professional to complete the form for you.

You will also need to supply the forms from your licensed building practitioners or the owner building exemption form.

If the application form is not properly completed or the licensed building practitioner documentation is not supplied the application will be rejected and you will need to resubmit.


Fees and levies and how to pay

A variety of fees and levies may apply to your applications. A schedule of fees can be found below.

Fees include:

  • Application fees e.g. for Project Information Memorandum, Building Consents, Code Compliance certificates, inspections, etc.
  • Peer review fees
  • Development contribution fees (where applicable)
  • Building levy
  • Building research e.g. Building Research Association of New Zealand levy

These can be paid by internet banking, over the counter or by credit card. You will be issued an invoice for fees owing.


Building Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Building Consents Fee (incl GST)
Note: The following levies are applicable:
Note: a) Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) levy assessed at $1.00 per $1,000. This levy is applicable where the value of the building project exceeds $20,000 in total inclusive of GST.
Note: b) Building Order (MBIE) levy assessed at $1.75 per $1,000. This levy is applicable where the value of the building project exceeds $65,000 in total inclusive of GST.
Note: Building consent application fees are charges by hourly rate. Fees will be charged when the consent has been granted and is ready for issue and will include inspection fees for the anticipated inspections required.
Note: Inspection fees are charges as a fixed fee reflecting actual and reasonable costs for conduction inspections within specified zones. Building inspection fees include mileage costs and are charged on a fixed fee by zone basis. Actual costs may be charged at Council's discretion.
Note: Certificate of Acceptance application fees are charged by hourly rate for the time spent assessing and processing the application. An initial deposit is required and is payable on application. Other current building consent fees, together with standard charges, levies including development levies, and inspection fees may also apply, plus any fees, charges, or levies that would have been payable had a consent been applied for before the work was carried out, unless the work was carried out under urgency.
Note: Fixed fees for solar and solid fuel heater consents referenced in this schedule include the relevant BCA Accreditation fee
Note: Unless otherwise specified in this schedule all applications for Project Information Memoranda, Land Information Memoranda, Building Consents, requests for information or approval, and any other application, including any required inspections or certificates of compliance, will be charged at the actual cost. Fees will be charged at the following rates plus disbursements.
Note: Zone boundaries are based on the following outbound travel times
Note: Failed inspections will incur the relevant zone inspection fixed fee
Zone 1 (~7 minutes)$215.00 
Zone 2 (~15 minutes)$250.00 
Zone 3 (~30 minutes)$355.00 
Zone 4 (~45 minutes)$475.00 
Zone 5 (~60 minutes)$610.00 
Plansmart Assessment
Administration Fee
<= $10,000 value$200.00 
> $10,000$255.00 
GoGet Fee (per consent excluding Solid Fuel Heaters)$175.00 
Content Management Fee (per consent excluding Solid Fuel Heaters)$80.00 
Consents prior to 2009$75.00 
Lapsed Consent reinstatement fee$190.00 
Building Consent Authority Accreditation Fee
Solid Fuel Heaters$6.00 
Minor works, solar water heaters$6.00 
Pre-Consent Meeting
Solid Fuel Heaters
Standard Application including one inspection (additional inspections charged at fixed building inspection zone fee rate). $475.00 
Solar Water Heaters
Standard Application including one inspection (additional inspections charged at fixed building inspection zone fee rate)$475.00 
Building and RMA Reports (each)
Weekly (per month)$105.00 
Monthly (per month)$80.00 
Independently Qualified Persons
New Registrations$395.00 
Amendment Registrations$210.00 
Optional Yearly Renewal$145.00 
Building Consent Exemption$290.00 
Certificates of Acceptance (pursuant to section 96(1)(a) & 9b) Building Act 2004). Fees and charges additional to the deposit are charged at the relevant hourly ratesDeposit of $900 
Code Compliance Certificate (applies to 2nd and subsequent CCC applications only, plus zone inspection fees if required)$200.00 
Project Information Memorandum (PIM) only $465.00 
Minor Variations (Hourly Rate)$260.00 
Extension of Time (Work not complete, work not started)$120.00 
Standard Charges
Building Officers (Hourly Rate) - Residential$260.00 
Building Officers (Hourly Rate) - Commercial$290.00 
Building Technicians (Hourly Rate) - Residential$200.00 
Building Technicians (Hourly Rate) - Commercial$220.00 
Section 73/74 & section 77/83 Certificates (Building Act 2004) (each) - plus inspection costs$325.00 
External Building Consent Authority administration fee (Hourly Rate)$260.00 
Compliance Schedule (Building Act 2004)$380.00 
Building Act Compliance Certificates$130.00 
Demolition Consent Fee (Hourly Rate)$260.00 
Earthquake Prone Buildings exemption application (Hourly Rate)$260.00 
Rural Address Property Identification (Rapid No)$25.00 
Issued amended Compliance Schedule$270.00 
Building Warrant of Fitness (Administration and Inspection)$210.00 
Issuing Certificates for Public Use$325.00 
Swimming Pool Inspections$88.00 
Relocating Buildings$975.00 


Hastings District Council - Copyright © 2025 Hastings District Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hastings District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hastings District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hastings District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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