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Waste Minimisation Fund

The Waste Minimisation Fund supports innovative solutions for reducing waste.

Apply NowOur Waste Minimisation Fund supports projects that help create less waste in our community. It provides financial assistance to local waste minimisation initiatives that contribute to achieving the goals outlined in Hastings District Council’s current Waste Management and Minimisation Plan. This fund has a total pool of $150,000 available per Council year.

What type of projects are suitable?

Projects must contribute to achieving the goals outlined on page 17 of our Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018 -2024 (WMMP). This may be either by implementing new initiatives or expanding on existing activities. Achieving these goals brings us a step closer to building a community that values our resources, re-uses, re-purposes and recycles as much as possible.

The fund prioritises projects that avoid creating waste in the first place, rather than just managing it. This means “designing out” waste to prevent those materials from becoming a waste stream in the first place - think reusable steel cups rather than recyclable plastic cups.

Priority areas for grants are (in order of priority):

  1. Minimisation, avoidance and/or reduction of waste creation
  2. Reuse, repair and repurposing of waste materials
  3. Resource recovery infrastructure and/or waste minimisation support for marae and community facilities, community organisations and registered charities.
  4. Alignment with national waste minimisation policy or locally identified priorities
  5. Recovery of resources (such as recycling or composting)
  6. Waste minimisation education programmes, workshops, data collection, feasibility studies, monitoring and waste audits.

For examples of projects we’ve funded, click here

Small grants

Repair Cafe Hastings

2023 small grant recipient, Repair Cafe Hastings.

Applications for small grants under $10,000 are considered each month from February to November. Please apply at least six weeks prior to your project’s start date. This ensures your application is processed in time.

Applications for small grants are accepted all year round.

Apply for a small grant here

Large grants

Our large grants are available twice per year for applications over $10,000 and up to $50,000. Dates for the next available funding round are Monday 24 February – Friday 28 March 2025.

See our Guidance for applicants document for full information on how to apply, eligibility and assessment criteria.

View the application questions here.

School Waste Minimisation Funds

Our school waste minimisation funds are designed to support schools with recycling and composting. These funds are available for public schools, kura, kindergartens and kohanga reo in the Hastings district.

Both funds listed below are open for two funding rounds per year.  Dates for the next available funding round are Monday 24 February – Friday 28 March 2025.

Please read the Guidance for applicants (School waste minimisation fund) document before applying.

  • Eligible waste streams are: paper & cardboard, food scraps, plastic bottles and containers, drink cans, glass jars and bottles.
  • The following waste streams are not eligible for funding: specialist recycling programmes such as soft plastics or bottle cap collections.
  • You must attach a quote with your application.

School Waste Systems Fund

  • A one-off grant for the purchase of recycling or compost bins.
  • Up to $4,000 per school, depending on school size.

School Recycling Servicing Fund

  • Funding contributes to schools’ recycling bin servicing costs. Schools can apply each year.
  • Up to $3,000 per year per school, depending on school size.

Frequently asked questions – small and large grants

Charities, businesses, mana whenua, schools, community groups and facilities, events, individuals; anyone in the Hastings district can apply for Waste Minimisation Funding.

Every tonne of waste received at New Zealand landfills (Class 1-4) is subject to a waste disposal levy. This is currently $60 per tonne for Class 1 landfills. The waste disposal levy is a charge that gets passed on to the Ministry for the Environment. Half of the levy funds are given to councils, based on their population size.

Our Waste Minimisation Fund is here to help kick-start projects that aren’t already happening or that expand on existing activities in a different or new way. For example, if your project is already composting, we won’t fund the continuation of this. But if you would like to start worm farming in addition to composting, or are wanting to build a community garden to use your compost, you are welcome to apply.  

Our Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018- 2024 (WMMP) sets out the goals that will bring us closer to becoming a community that values our resources, re-uses, re-purposes and recycles as much as possible. Take a look at the document and consider how your project could align with the goals (see page 17 on “How we will address issues”).

These goals will be achieved alongside our community, whether this is through education, engagement or the development of new technology and ways of working.

We are currently in the process of reviewing the WMMP and drafting the 2025-2031 WMMP.

Hastings District Council aims to support projects that avoid creating waste in the first place, rather than just managing it. This means “designing out” waste to prevent those materials from becoming a waste stream in the first place - think reusable steel cups rather than recyclable plastic cups.  

Priority areas for the grants are (in order of priority):

  1. Minimisation, avoidance and/or reduction of waste creation 
  2. Reuse, repair and repurposing of waste materials
  3. Resource recovery infrastructure and/or waste minimisation support for marae and community facilities, community organisations and registered charities.
  4. Alignment with national waste minimisation policy or locally identified priorities
  5. Recovery of resources (such as recycling or composting)
  6. Waste minimisation education programmes, workshops, data collection, feasibility studies, monitoring and waste audits.

All applications are evaluated based on the assessment criteria listed in our Guidance for applicants document.

Projects or initiatives must:

  • Align with one of the goals in the current Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP)
  • Divert or reduce a waste stream that is currently being disposed of at landfill, or deliver education or research that contributes to this.
  • Be a new project/initiative to reduce waste or expand on an existing initiative. (ie funding will not be awarded for existing activities or running costs)
  • Fit with one of the six priority areas outlined above.
  • Have clear goals that will be monitored, measured and evaluated, leading to a clear community and environmental benefits.
  • Take place within the Hastings district boundary.
  • Demonstrate a clear timeline with results achieved within one year. In some cases, multi-year funding may be awarded, with milestones and reporting requirements throughout the funded period.
  • Show genuine commitment to waste minimisation outcomes. Ie include specific actions that aim to reduce waste or change behaviours towards waste creation.
  • Provide follow up reporting if the funding application is successful.

Co-funding requirements:

  • Applications from a registered business require a minimum of 50% contribution/co-funding of the project’s total cost from the applicant(s).
  • For applications from a charity or community group, projects with a total value greater than $50,000 require a minimum of 25% co-funding from the applicant.
  • Projects that focus on waste disposal, the treatment of waste prior to disposal, or commercial clean-ups. (However, marine clean-ups that involve education around waste may be considered)
  • Projects that are inconsistent with our Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (2018-2024) and funding outcome areas
  • Projects that are not in the Hastings district
  • Subsidising the cost of waste to landfill
  • Debt servicing
  • Waste minimisation projects that have already been completed.
  • Projects or initiatives that are not addressing/aimed at reducing waste to landfill.

If you aren’t sure whether your project meets the criteria for funding, email us at

Absolutely. Our Waste Minimisation Officers are happy to give you feedback on your application and project. Email us at

You should include any quotes, project plans, and evidence that the applicant has the skills and has done the relevant research or background work to deliver the project successfully.

Applications must be submitted using the online form via the Smarty Grants system.

Case studies

Atea a Rangi Educational TrustThe Ātea a Rangi Educational Trust was established to design and complete the Ātea a Rangi - Star Compass at the Waitangi Regional Park. It delivers a range of educational programmes, events and tours, as well as other traditional Māori and environmental kaupapa (subject areas). At all events the trust organises, it aims to minimise waste.

The trust received funding to hire plates, cups, cutlery as well as a sink and hot water facility for its 2024 Matariki celebration. The outdoor event created significantly less rubbish than previous years, serving a hangi for over 200 guests using mostly crockery plates. 

Repair cafe May 2023 sewersRepair Café Hastings is a monthly community event, where skilled volunteers fix small broken household items.

In early 2023, James Taylor established Repair Café Hastings and received funding to help with the initial purchase of tools and consumables, the promotion of events and venue hire.

The project is now financially self-sustaining, as attendees give a koha/donation for successful repairs, baking and hot drinks.  The group aims to share the value of keeping items in use to prevent waste to landfill.

See Facebook or Eventfinda to learn more: Repair Café Hastings.

House of ScienceHouse of Science’s interactive lesson kit, ’A Load of Rubbish,’ will now be available to Hastings students, thanks to HDC’s Waste Minimisation Fund.

HDC has come on board to sponsor the ‘A Load of Rubbish’ kit, which introduces school students to the world of waste through science. Through activities like sorting recycling, making plastic polymers and understanding the waste hierarchy, students feel empowered to care about resources and where they end up. 

The Environment Centre is a community hub that aims to inspire and empower people, businesses, and the community to create a resilient and regenerative Hawke’s Bay.

Through staff experience managing waste at events, they found that one of the biggest creators of waste at events is single-use containers. With the support of Hastings District Council, the Environment Centre is designing a new service with a mobile wash station, cutlery, coffee cups and crockery to enable greater wash and reuse during events.

Pregnancy HelpPregnancy Help supports families by providing them with a range of information and support, including clean, good quality second-hand baby clothes and equipment for free.

With the support of Hastings District Council, Pregnancy Help has established a modern cloth nappy bank at their centre, and organised an event to launch this fantastic community resource.


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