Hastings district is now at level 2 water restrictions. Sprinkler and hose restrictions. These can be used between 6am and 8am and 7pm and 9pm as follows: even-numbered houses on even days of the month and odd-numbered houses on odd days of the month.
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Cr Fowler (as Chair of Performance & Monitoring Committee)
Cr Kerr
Cr Corban
Cr Schollum (as Chair of the Strategy and Recovery Committee)
Mayor Hazlehurst
Tom Keefe (HTNMSC)
Chief Executive Performance Committee
Mayor Hazlehurst
Deputy Mayor Kerr
Cr Schollum
Cr Fowler
10 x Hearing Commissioners (including vacancies) with:
Up to 7 being elected members of council, plus
Up to 3 being external appointed members - which can include a mana whenua appointee and a representative from Heretaunga Takoto Noa Mãori Standing Committee (HTNMSC)
All with relevant qualifications and experience
Chair and Deputy Chair to be appointed from membership including external appointed members
Chair: George Lyons (Commissioner Chair - External Appointee)
Deputy Chair: Cr Kerr
Cr Lawson
Cr Schollum
Cr Corban
Cr Buddo
Vacancies - up to 4 members (with up to 2 being elected members and 2 being external appointed members)
Hastings District Licensing Committee
1 x Councillor
5 x List members
G Lyons appointed by CE (on Council's recommendation) to June 2027 for 5 years 9/6/22 to 9/6/27)
Chair: Cr Kerr
Deputy Chair: Cr Lawson
George Lyons (Commissioner)
Dave Fellows
Wayne Bradshaw
Subcommittees/Working Groups
Civic Development Subcommittee
8 x Councillors
1 x Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee (HTNMSC) appointee
Officer members(as per TOR)
Group Manager: Asset Management
Transportation Manager
Environmental Consents Manager
2 x Youth Council appointees (Youth Council members are non-voting appointees)
Chair: Cr Dixon
Cr Te Au-Skipworth
Cr Montaperto-Hendry
Cr Harvey
Cr Heke
Cr Jessup
Cr Fowler
Cr Schollum
Mayor Hazlehurst
Elizabeth Waiwiri-Hunt (HTNMSC)
Office members (as per TOR)
Sophie Webber (Youth Council)
Taylor Bevan (Youth Council)
District Planning & Bylaws Subcommittee
6 x Councillors
1 x Rural Community Board (RCB) appointee
3 x Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee (HTNMSC) appointees
Chair: Cr Corban
Deputy Chair: Cr Buddo
Cr Fowler
Cr Nixon
Cr Te Au-Skipworth
Cr Watkins
Mayor Hazlehurst
Jonathan Stockley (RCB Deputy Chair)
Tipene Cottrell (HTNMSC)
Elizabeth Waiwiri-Hunt (HTNMSC)
1 x HTNMSC vacancy
1 x Externally appointed vacancy
District Development
8 x Councillors
1 x Rural Community Board (RCB) appointee (non-voting)
1 x Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee (HTNMSC) appointee
2 x Youth Council appointees (non-voting)
1 x Youth Council alternate (non-voting)
Chair: Cr Buddo
Cr Schollum
Cr Kerr
Cr Harvey
Cr Corban
Cr Fowler
Cr Jessup
Cr Lawson
Vicki Scoular (RCB)
Mayor Hazlehurst
1 x HTMSC vacancy
Chris Proctor (Youth Council)
Bella Bridson (Youth Council)
Apache Hanara-Ngaheu (Youth Council alternate)
Community Wellbeing
8 x Councillors
1 x Rural Community Board (RCB) appointee (non-voting)
1 x Heretaunga Takoto Noa Māori Standing Committee (HTNMSC) appointee
2 x Youth Council appointees (non-voting)
1 x Youth Council alternate (non-voting)
Chair: Cr Apatu
Cr Harvey
Cr Jessup
Cr Lawson
Cr Heke
Cr Buddo
Cr Watkins
Mayor Hazlehurst
Isabelle Crawshaw (RCB Chair)
Mike Paku (HTNMSC)
Phaizon Parkes (Youth Council)
Peter Hannah (Youth Council)
Keaton Pitcher (Youth Council alternate)
Flaxmere Futures
2 x Councillors
Group Manager: Community Wellbeing & Services
Associate Group Manager: Strategy & Development
Chair, Flaxmere Planning Committee
(Chair elected by the subcommittee)
Chair: To be elected by the subcommittee
Cr Heke
Cr Jessup
Group Manager: Community Wellbeing & Services - Rebekah Dinwoodie
Group Manager: Strategy & Development - Craig Cameron
5 x Hastings District Councillors and one alternate
5 x Tangata Whenua representatives, appointed by Council (Post-Settlement Governance Entities of Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust (3) and Mana Ahuriri Trust (2) Tangata Whenua members)
Chair: TBC
Deputy Chair: Marei Apatu
Cr Jessup
Cr Watkins
Cr Nixon
Cr Heke
Cr Apatu (Councillor alternate) Vacancy
Darlene Caroll (Tangata Whenua)
Evelyn Ratima (Tangata Whenua)
Beverly Te Huia (Tangata Whenua)
Albie Baker (Tangata Whenua)
Hawke’s Bay Crematorium Committee
2 x Hastings District Councillors
2 x Napier City Councillors
1 x CHB District Councillor
(Chair appointed by Committee)
Chair: Cr Malcolm Dixon (HDC)
Deputy Chair: Cr Nigel Simpson (NCC)
Cr Nixon (HDC)
Cr Greig (NCC)
Cr Gerard Minehan (CHBDC)
Ōmarunui Refuse Landfill Joint Committee
4 x HDC Councillors
1 x HDC Councillor alternate
2 x NCC Councillors
1 x NCC Councillor alternate
(Chair appointed by Committee)
1 x Ngāti Pārau appointee
Deputy Chair: Cr Tareha (NCC)
Cr Watkins (HDC)
Cr Apatu (HDC)
Cr Nixon (HDC)
Cr Jessup (HDC)
Cr McGrath (NCC)
Cr Montaperto-Hendry (HDC alternate)
Cr Simpson (NCC alternate)
Alice Hughes (Ngāti Pārau appointee)
Darren Tareha (Ngātī Pārau alternate)
Joint Waste Futures Project Steering Committee
3 x HDC Councillors
3 x NCC Councillors NCC
(Chair appointed by Committee)
Chair: Cr Haylee Browne (NCC)
Deputy Chair: Ana Apatu (HDC)
Cr Montaperto-Hendry
Cr Nixon (HDC)
Cr McGrath (NCC)
Cr Tareha (NCC)
Napier-Hastings Future Development Strategy Joint Committee
NB: Terms of reference adopted and HDC appointments made at Council Meeting 15/12/22.
2 x HDC Councillors
1 x HDC Councillor alternate
2 x NCC Councillors
2 x HBRC Councillors
6 x Mana Whenua members (2 x Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust (HTST), 2 x Mana Ahuriri Trust (MAT), 2 x Maungaharuru Tangitū Trust (MTT)
Chair: Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst
Deputy Chair: Tania Eden (Mana Ahuriri Trust)
Cr Corban (HDC)
Cr Buddo (HDC alternate)
Mayor Wise (NCC)
Cr Chrystal (NCC)
Cr Boag (NCC alternate)
Cr Mackintosh (HBRC)
Cr Williams (HBRC)
Cr Siers (HBRC alternate)
Chad Tareha (MAT)
Evelyn Ratima (MAT alternate)
Dr Darryn Russell (TPW)
1 x TPW vacancy
1 x TPW alternate vacancy
Tania Hopmans (MTT)
Mara Andrews (MTT)
Kelly May (MTT - Alternate)
Joint Alcohol Strategy Advisory Group
2 x HDC Crs & 1 x alternate (not to be member of DLC)
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
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