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City Assist

Our City Assist team provides assistance to our visitors and residents and helps look after safety and security. If you need City Assist, call them on 027 839 6073 if no response 027 839 531

CityAssistManNeed City Assist? Call them on 027 839 6073 if no response 027 839 531


City Assist was first introduced to Hastings in 2013. They walk our city streets, providing help to those needing it and curbing any unsociable behaviour. 

Sporting their well-recognised purple uniforms, the team also operates in the heart of Flaxmere (since 2016).

The principle qualities that all of the team have in abundance are pride in our district, a good knowledge of our city and the services available to both residents and visitors, and an ability to connect with people in a way that naturally diffuses any difficult situations.

City Assist members are out and about seven days a week in Hastings city and Flaxmere, between 9am and 6pm.


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