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Jobs for Heretaunga

Hastings District Council (HDC) have received $9.37 million government funding for shovel ready projects. Projects include improvements to our communities footpaths, the iWay walking and cycling network, various road safety projects including a joint project (with NZTA) on State Highway 51 between Collinge and Ruahapia Roads.

Moving AroundIn delivering the project HDC must ensure that all tendering, procurement, employment and training arrangements:

  1. Prioritise the employment of local workers displaced by the COVID economic crisis;
  2. Occur at a pace, time being critical; and
  3. Assist in meeting the social procurement objectives agreed between the parties, together.

Where possible the focus is to work with suppliers to create quality jobs with career pathways. Work packages have been designed to help enable this outcome. 

Redeployed positions will be filled working in conjunction with the Ministry of Social Development who will identify workers impacted by COVID-19 that need redeployment.

While completion of the works is important, Council will be working to achieve social outcomes as per the below targets:

  • At least 90% of the contract and sub-contracts will be awarded to business operating in Hawke’s Bay.
  • Striving to redeploy and prevent the loss of jobs of our local peoples.
  • Maximise jobs through tendering and engagement processes. Job commitments are delivered.
  • Dependent on skills, first consideration may be given to Maori, Pasifika, Women and youth.
  • Suppliers must work with the Jobs Heretaunga Employer Connector to find candidates for the roles they have available.
  • The supplier will be required to create a career development plan with each redeployed person within 3 months of a contract being awarded, with support from Jobs Connector.
  • Employees’ wages will be fair and increase progressively in line with their career development plan achievements.
  • All redeployed people will be provided with pastoral care in line for Jobs for Heretaunga programme.


The aim of “Jobs for Heretaunga” is to offer redeployment opportunities to those people who have been displaced, either temporarily or permanently,
due to their place of employment being impacted by COVID-19 and/or the Government’s response to it as at 3rd February 2020 includes; redeployed,
unemployed and underemployed. This may include, but is not limited to situations where:

  • A business has closed permanently or temporarily due to the impacts of COVID-19
  • An essential service has reduced production to ensure it can maintain social distancing protocols and has temporarily reduced its workforce as a result
  • Existing transport arrangements (public transport, worker vans) cannot be used due to social distancing protocols leaving a worker no transport to get to work
  • Someone was expected to start a new job that did not eventuate
  • Someone left a position to care for someone else who has tested positive for COVID-19, or that person (or someone in their household) are deemed high risk if they were to contract COVID-19.

Topline Pathway Construction

Roles & responsibilities

MSD will take the lead on the coordination of training and redeployment, with HDC responsible for the short-term projects that will provide the redeployment opportunities. MSD and Council will work together to provide pathways to sustainable employment by linking people to redeployment opportunities and supporting them in upskilling.

MSD Investment will fund:

  • MSD will enter into a 2 year Whānau Ora agreement.

HDC investment will fund:

  • Approved short term projects
  • Support for short term project teams
  • Support for redeployed workers seeking short term project work
  • Vehicle, IT, and office space for Jobs and Whānau Connectors
  • Youth Employment Pop-Up as a space to meet redeployed job seekers.

MG 2377 MedPastoral care

All works will be offered pastoral care once they have been made an offer of employment. The purpose of the pastoral care is to support the wellbeing of the employee and their whanau, and the employer, with the aim of achieving sustainable employment. Pastoral care has a “no gaps” approach. This approach will seek to close the gaps that affect an employee remaining in work and or achieving sustainable employment.

It will be:

  • Available to employee and employer 
  • Mobile
  • Client centric
  • Guided by the client
  • Holistic in approach
  • Focus on well-being
  • Confidential

Pastoral care services


  • Information to participants outlining healthy lifestyle options (nutrition, physical activity, smoking cessation, drug and alcohol harm reduction and/or family violence)
  • Links to services - drug and alcohol, counselling, budgeting, etc
  • Appointment scheduling and reminders
  • Support with - building confidence, literacy and advocacy
  • Achievement focus to overcome barriers - holistic whānau approach.


  • Develop individual pathway to employment plans
  • Assistance with applying for jobs, including CV creation and interview skills sessions
  • Support transition to alternative employment sector (if required)
  • Achievement focus with sustainable employment being the desired result
  • Provision of a mentor in the new workplace/buddy system
  • Link in with MSD to identify any further training packages i.e. Mana in Mahi.   


  • Development of a training pathway to higher qualification achievement
  • Arranging or providing advice on industry training
  • Supporting participants to utilise training within the employer’s business (online or external private training providers).


  • Assist in the financial transition from income support to employment i.e. Transition to Work assistance, IRD and banking services
  • Provide financial management including budgeting, savings and financial goal setting.

Workplace support

  • Monitor and evaluate work placement, identifying and assisting with issues that may disrupt employment (including transport, home life and behaviour)
  • Support with contract negotiation, contract signing, workplace inductions/orientations, work conversations
  • Identify links to gain certification, licences or other relevant qualifications
  • Work with employer and employee to develop career plan
  • Additional funding is available under the contract for drivers licencing
  • Links into Health Services.

Short term tailored job training

MSD funding can assist with short term tailored job training required to smooth the transition from current experience to a new industry/sector and industry norms.

  • There are three types of training; generic, industry-specific and job-specific
  • Training can be pre-employment or on the job
  • Training could be delivered by providers or as part of the on-job training provided by employers

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Jobs for Heretaunga projects


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