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Contractor PrequalificationWhakamātaunga kaikirimana

Hastings District Council maintains a list of pre-qualified contractors for larger physical works such as road, sewer, water and stormwater construction. Other work (such as specialised work, routine maintenance, electrical work or CCTV inspections etc) is normally handled under separate contracts.

Procurement - pre-qualification

The pre-qualification process is generally used for large technically-detailed physical work, including road, sewer, water, stormwater and bridge construction.

Inviting contracting companies which have been pre-assessed as competent in specific areas simplifies the tendering process and reduces costs.

Applications from companies wished to be assessed for pre-qualification are welcome at any time. The process consists of contractors being assessed over a range of criteria and then being registered with Council for specific types, complexities and sizes of work.

In cases where Council is using the pre-qualification method, tenders will specify a minimum pre-qualification level and only contractors pre-qualified to at least the specified level are able to submit a tender.

For more information see the Pre-qualification Manual in 'related documents' on this page.

Pre-qualification for vehicle crossings

Council has a pre-qualification programme specific to the construction of vehicle crossings (driveway accesses).

The application process is set out in the Pre-qualification for Vehicle Crossings Procedure Manual, available in 'related documents' on this page.

Contractors who are pre-qualified for roading-related construction do not need to apply, as they automatically qualify.

New applications for pre-qualification can be lodged at any time.

For more information email the Asset Management Group.


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