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Development Contributions

Hastings continues to grow across all sectors - residential, commercial and industrial - which creates increased demand for services and infrastructure supplied by Council. To ensure levels of service for all residents are maintained, development contributions are collected when new development occurs.

Development contributions are fees payable on developments and subdivisions. The fees pay for the additional demand placed by new developments on infrastructure (roads, water and sewer etc) and services.

A development may be a new green-fields subdivision, infill development, townhouses, or a project that creates additional commercial or industrial sites or buildings.

Contributions may also be required for conversions or extensions to existing buildings where they create new or additional uses. This could include converting one residence into two, or converting a residential building into a commercial office. Any contribution payable is calculated under Council's Development Contributions Policy (see the policy in the 'related documents' section at the top of this page).

What do development contributions fund?

Development contributions fund upgraded or new infrastructure which is a result of growth identified in Council's Long Term Plan (in the 'related documents' section on this page).

The activities include roads, water supplies, waste water, stormwater disposal, playgrounds, toilets, parks and reserves.

Development contributions are made up of a district-wide component, ie. a set fee across the district, and specific area contributions. The fee may vary according to the location of the development.

Development contributions are not used to pay operational cost or parts of capital works which deal with infrastructure renewal and upgrades where the required level of service to the existing community is not being fulfilled.

When development contributions are not required

Development contributions may not be required (or be reduced) when:

  • Council has already imposed a financial contribution condition on a resource consent for the same development; or
  • Financial contributions have already been paid in respect of a development; or
  • The developer will be providing network infrastructure upgrades or reserves in agreement with Council; or
  • A development already has an existing use (such as one home with the development to increase that to three), in which case the development contribution fee will be based on the additional use, with credit given for the existing use. 

Assessing a development contribution

Your project can be assessed at any of three stages:

  • When a Resource Consent (subdivision or land use) is granted under the Resource Management Act 1991;
  • When a Building Consent is granted under the Building Act 2004; or
  • When authorisation for a service connection (water, sewer etc) is granted

Paying a development contribution

An invoice can be requested and paid at any time. Payment must be made prior to:

  • A section 224 (c) certificate being issued for a subdivision;
  • A code compliance certificate (CCC) being issued for a Building Consent;
  • An approved land use consent being acted upon; or
  • A service connection being provided

Development contributions review

A request in writing can be made to Council asking that the assessment of development contributions for a project be reviewed, by emailing the Development Contributions team. Please include the new or supporting information that your request is based upon.

Development contributions costs

Please contact Council's Development Contributions team to find out whether a development contribution is required for your proposal, and what the cost is likely to be.

More information

See Council's frequently asked questions documents, based on non-residential and residential dwellings, available in the 'related documents'. For further information contact Council's Development Contributions team.


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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hastings District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hastings District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hastings District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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