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Parking TicketsNgā whaina whakatū waka

If you are reading this, chances are you have received a parking ticket. On this page you will find out how to pay for your ticket, or to write an explanation if you believe you should not have to pay.

Pay your parking ticket

If you pay your parking ticket promptly it may result in a discount (if noted on the ticket). If your parking ticket is not paid within 28 days of the ticket being issued, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a reminder notice in the post. If the fine is not paid within 28 days of the reminder being issued, it will be lodged with the Court. The fine, plus administration costs, will then need to be paid directly to the Court (not to Council).

You can pay your parking ticket in a number of ways:

  • On-line using this ink:

Online by credit card or internet banking

  •  In person at Hastings District Council's main office in Lyndon Rd, Hastings. Only the full amount can be paid using EFTPOS or cash. There are no installment options.


A table of the fines can be found on Council's Fees and charges page. Please note, as mandated by Government, from 1 October 2024 parking fines and towage fees are increasing. A full list of the new fees can be found here.

Increase in parking fines and towage fees FAQs

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A full list of the Government’s new infringement fees can be found here. These are effective from 1 October 2024.

Government’s changes apply a Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase to parking infringement fees, resulting in around a 70 per cent increase on fees set prior to 2004. Where fees were set post 2004, the Government has aligned the increase with similar offences for consistency.  Towage and storage fees have been increased using a formula that allows for the costs of running a towage business. This has resulted in a 68 per cent increase to towage fees and a 98 per cent increase to storage and mileage fees.

By law, the infringement fees can only be set by Government.

They are collected by local councils (e.g. Hastings District Council).

Parking fines can be paid in-person at the Customer Service Centre at 207 Lyndon Road East, Hastings or online here

No. The legislation change has removed the option for councils to offer a reduced fine for prompt payment. From 1 October, Hastings District Council will no longer offer a $2 discount on (some) infringement notices paid within 7 days.

The fines are retained by the collecting council and ringfenced for maintaining and improving parking facilities and infrastructure.

Parking fines are generally required to be paid within 28 days. If your parking fine is not paid within 28 days of the ticket being issued, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a reminder notice in the post. If the fine is not paid within 28 days of the reminder being issued, it will be lodged with the Courts. The fine, plus an administration cost, will then need to be paid directly to the Court (not to Council).

If you can't pay your fine before the due date, ask for the Parking Department at the Council for advice.

For more on parking tickets, including other ways to pay and the process for disputing parking tickets, see the Parking tickets page.

Appealing your parking ticket

If you wish to appeal your parking ticket, please complete the on-line parking explanation form using the link, or download and complete a printable copy of the form and deliver it to Council's  customer service centre in Lyndon Rd, Hastings, or post it to Hastings District Council, Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156.


When reviewing your explanation, our Parking Team will take into consideration the law and general consistency of decisions.


For more information contact Council.


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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hastings District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hastings District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hastings District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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