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Waingākau Village

Waingākau is a visionary mixed-tenure housing development on 9.3ha of general title land that includes 83+ new conventional houses and large greenspace for generational community housing in West Flaxmere, Hastings.


Waingākau is a visionary mixed-tenure housing development on 9.3ha of general title land that includes 83+ new conventional houses and large greenspace for generational community housing in West Flaxmere, Hastings.

  1. The primary goal and output is to make the dream of obtaining a high-quality home a reality for inter-generational whānau Māori. This is focussed across Ngā Kāinga Poutama (Housing Continuum) from Affordable Rentals, Public Housing to Homeownership.
  2. However, the ultimate goal and outcome is focused on building a supportive, inter-generational community; where whānau are at the center, people look out for each other and contribute to the thriving, positive and safe community that they live in. A strong vibrant community is a diverse and healthy community of mixed-tenure.

Waingākau is guided by the whakatauakī “Tangata ako ana i te kāinga, te tūranga ki te marae, tau ana” (A person nurtured in the community contributes strongly to society).

Waingākau embraces the essence of nurturing. ‘Wai’ refers to Heretaunga Haukunui (Heretaunga of the life- giving dews or water) and to the rivers; Ngaruroro, Tukituki, Tūtaekurī and Te Awa o te Atua. Most importantly, within a spiritual and physical context, water is life. ‘Ngākau’ is the heart, the aroha we have for each other as a whānau, and as a community. At the heart of a thriving community is a nurturing core. It also pays reference to the history of the lands steeped in whakapapa.


Latest news

Matariki Whanau hou 16 Jun 23

Whānau Hou: Current Waingākau residents welcome new Waingākau residents during Matariki under the beautiful embrace of Te Aranga Marae (Jun ’23)


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Ground-breaking housing underway

The ground will be ‘broken’ for Hastings’ newest and most visionary housing development next week, following ...

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