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The Tendering Process

Procurement - the tendering process

Most Council projects are advertised for tender on the Government procurement website GETS.

Contractors wanting to access information on GETS will need to register on-line using a RealMe (Government on-line identification) login. Registering with RealMe is free, and the login can be used to access a number of protected Government sites, including IRD.

When you identify a project you wish to tender for, read the information related to it carefully. The documents will detail the format that the tender must be in, and the date that the tender closes.

Here are our standard terms and conditions  for a Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Tender (RFT) NZ3910  Minor Works

Once tenders are received Council:

  • Evaluates all tenders against the criteria set out in the tender documents and engages with contractors as necessary. Further information may be required, or a presentation or site visit may be requested.
  • Awards a contract to the successful tenderer with all tenderers advised of the outcome.
  • Manages the contract, measuring performance against the agreed contract terms throughout the life of the project.
  • Signs off the project after any remedial actions have been attended to.

If you have questions about a particular project that is available for tender please use the question facility on the GETS listing.

For information on Council’s pre-qualification tender process see Council’s pre-qualification page.



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