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Hastings Art GalleryTe Whare Toi o Heretaunga

HCAG outsideKei ngā mana, kei ngā reo, nau mai haere mai ki tēnei paetukutuku a Te Whare Toi o Heretaunga.
Nō mātau te whakamīharo ki te tukua nei ngā mihi kauanuanu ki tēnā, ki tēnā, kua tae mai nei.
Kāti rā, piki mai, kake mai, nau mai, haere mai rā, kia pai tō haerenga mai!

Te Whare Toi o Heretaunga - Hastings Art Gallery is the home of contemporary art in Hawke’s Bay, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Located in the heart of Civic Square in Hastings-Heretaunga, we work with artists and our communities to grow creativity within the region, and to explore the role of arts and culture in the world we live in.
The Gallery, which opened in the 1980s, presents a lively programme of local, national, and international contemporary art.

Vital to the life of the Gallery is its bi-cultural touchstone, Heretaunga Ararau. This strategy acts as the Gallery's guiding force:

  • Manaakitanga, Ahuatanga, Kotahitanga, Tikanga - To Explore, Identify and Develop Unique Arts Propositions.
  • Mana Kaitiakitanga - To Promote and Grow Arts Opportunity to Support the Region's Arts Sector and the Gallery's Stakeholders.
  • Ahuatanga Mana - To Define the Character of the Gallery, Securing a Unique Position and Establishing Visibility in a National Context.
  • Mana Tīpuna, Mana Atua, Mana Whenua - To Produce Enduring Benefits - Economic, Social and Cultural.

For more information including opening hours and current exhibitions visit the Hastings Art Gallery website.


Hastings Art Gallery is centrally located in Civic Square, next to Hastings Library.

201 Eastbourne Street, Hastings, New Zealand
+64 6 871 5095

Hastings Art Gallery Location map

201 Eastbourne Street, Hastings


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