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Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is back for another year, helping you to be a part of the solution to plastic pollution.

Get ready for Plastic Free July!

Plastic Free July is back for another year, helping you to be a part of the solution to plastic pollution.

We've pulled together what you need to know for Plastic Free July, and our friends at WasteMINZ have created some cool challenges to help you get involved.

What is Plastic Free July?

Founded in 2011, Plastic Free July began as an initiative geared towards ridding the world of plastic waste. Eleven years later, the campaign has grown to become the Plastic Free Foundation, spreading plastic free goodness all year round!

What is plastic pollution and why does it matter?

Plastic pollution is more than the single use packaging you see tumbling down the footpath. When plastics aren’t recycled or disposed of correctly they can end up harming marine life, blocking our water ways and even breaking down into micro-plastics in our soil.

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Why has this happened?

Plastic pollution is what’s called a wicked problem – a problem caused by lots of different factors. When it comes to plastic pollution, one of the biggest factors is throw away culture. While plastics can be super convenient, their convenience makes them easy to throw away after a single use – hello throw away culture! Plastics breakdown at a much slower rate than we use them, so we get plastic waste adding up all across the planet. 

What can I do?

Challenge yourself and get involved! In 2021, it’s estimated that more than 140 million people worldwide took part in Plastic Free July from 190 countries. This reduced 300 million kgs of plastic. That is a whole lot of plastic and any change you make, makes a difference. The change you choose, is your Plastic Free July.

Whether you’re new to the world of plastic free, or are ready to take it to the next level, the team at WasteMINZ have put together some awesome challenges to help you get involved in Plastic Free July.


WasteMINZ challenges

5 Challenges
12 Challenges
Next level challenges

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