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Amusement Devices RidesPūrere ngahau

If you plan to have amusement devices* at your event, each device owner will need to apply to Council for an Amusement Device Permit (the application form is available from the 'related documents' section ). Please note a copy of the current Certificate of Registration for each device needs to be supplied with the permit application.

*Amusement devices include fairground rides and any other mechanically-powered unit that is used for rider entertainment, including but not limited to:

  • Bumper boats
  • Bumper cars
  • Bungee jumping (when a mobile crane and platform are used)
  • Can-Am cars
  • Fairground machinery (eg merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels, roller coasters etc)
  • Indoor go-kart operations
  • Minibikes (three and four wheel all-terrain vehicles)

Amusement devices are regulated under the Amusement Device Regulations 1978. This requires that all devices have a valid Certificate of Registration and that whenever they are operated, they have a local authority permit (Regulation 11)

The permit fees - Licence fees - environmental health) are set by regulation.

Processing of applications

  • Applications must be accompanied by a current Certificate of Registration and the application fee.
  • Applications for weekend inspections should be submitted before 5pm on Thursday.
  • Applications for other days should be submitted at least two days before the event.
  • Applications should state exactly where the intended amusement device site will be and include an “inspect-by” time and contact telephone number.

Additional approval is required if you wish to operate an amusement device on Council land. 

Please contact Council for further information.


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