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Proposed Plan Change 57

Proposed Plan Change 57

Appeal documents

When reading the documents below, please refer to the Rules and Standards for the Hastings Character Residential Zone (pdf 6.8 MB)

This appeal was resolved by an Environment Court Consent Order 18th December 2015

Read the proposed Plan Change

Further submissions & summary of submissions

Initial submissions closed 5pm, Friday 26 October 2012.

Summary of submissions (pdf 63 KB)

The closing date for further submissions was 5pm Wednesday 5 December 2012.

Notices of requirement

This is a notice of requirement for Roundabout, Infrastructure Corridor and Stormwater Infiltration areas

The Notices of Requirement RMA20120265, RMA20120266, and RMA20120268, each directly relate to proposed Plan Change 57 (notified 15th September 2012), which seeks to establish a new industrial area on the northern side of Omahu Road, Hastings. The Notices of Requirement were publicly notified on the 13th October 2012, and submissions close on these on the 13th November 2012.

RMA20120265 - Road Purposes at 1189 Omahu Road, Hastings legally described as LOT 3 DP22884, LOT 2 DP342661, CT175182.

RMA20120268 - Infrastructure Corridor at:

AddressLegal description & CT
Ormond Road Lot 1 DP 441123, 541123
1139 Omahu Road LOT 2 DP15736 BLK XV HERETAUNGA SD, HBH3/7
Omahu Road LOT 1 DP11542 BLK XV HERETAUNGA SD, HBC1/760
7 Raupare Road LOT 1 DP22262 BLK XV HERETAUNGA SD, HBP1/1175
15 Raupare Road LOT 2 DP 22262 BLK XV HERETAUNGA SD, HBP1/1176
1189 Omahu Road LOT 3 DP22884, LOT 2 DP342661, 175182
1215 Omahu Road LOT 2 DP22884 BLK XV HERETAUNGA SD, HBP3/617
1219 Omahu Road LOT 2 DP377104, LOT 2 DP400858, LOT 2 DP329917, 401623
Omahu Road LOT 2 DP8336, HB134/211
1241 Omahu Road LOT 3 DP27351 SUBJ TO & INT IN EASEMENTS, HBW3/1071
Jarvis Road LOT 2 DP419221, 478421
18 Jarvis Road LOT 2 DP402958, 409725
1309 Omahu Road LOT 2 DP24260 BLKS XIV XV HERETAUNGA SD, HBV2/377
1337 Omahu Road PT LOT 1 DP4953 BLK X1V HERETAUNGA SD, HB142/105
55 Twyford Road LOT 2 DP 425145, LOT 1 DP 418851, 499262
4 Twyford Road LOT 1 DP2767 BLK XIV HERETAUNGA SD, HB58/91
1 Twyford Road LOT 3 DP416250, LOT 1 DP 2209 BLK XIV HERETAUNGA SD, HB58/149 and 462993
1393 Omahu Road LOT 2 DP416250, 532871
1447 Omahu Road LOT 4 DP27873 HOME BLOCK, 529729
1199 Omahu Road LOT 1 DP 392031, 369147

RMA20120266 - Stormwater Infiltration Areas at:

  • The corner of  Omahu Road and Raupare Road, Hastings legally described as LOT 1 DP11542, BLK XV HERETAUNGA SD CT HBC1/760;
  • 1241 Omahu Road, Hastings legally described as LOT 3 DP27351 SUBJ TI & INT IN EASEMENTS, CT HBW3/1071;
  • 1337 Omahu Road, Hastings legally described as PT LOT 1 DP4953 BLK X1V HERETAUNGA SD, CT HB142/105;
  • 55 Twyford Road, Hastings legally described as LOT 2 DP425145, LOT 1 DP418851, CT 499262.

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