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Hastings District Council encourages local community groups and organisations to work with Council towards meeting the current and future needs of our community. If your organisation is delivering projects or services that fit with one or more of the priorities set out below, we invite you to apply to our annual Single Year Community Grant.
Groups that have previously been awarded a Single Year Community Grant, and who are providing a proven positive impact to the community, can apply for a Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership Fund.
Single Year Community Grants are for the development and delivery of community services or projects. Evidence of need, planning, budgets and annual accounts are required as part of the application.
The Single Year Community Grants fund is closed and will open again in March 2025.
All applications must be submitted via the online grants portal.
Priorities for funding
Each year Council contributes funds to a diverse range of groups delivering community services or projects across the district. Organisations are able to apply for up to $15,000 per year via the Single Year Community Grants, larger amounts can be accessed via the Multi-year grants.
For larger projects it’s unlikely Council will provide the total amount of funding required so groups will need to show how they can attract funding from other agencies and charities outside of Council, or have the ability to put a significant amount of money into the project themselves. Council is looking for new and innovative ways to help support the current and future needs of our communities.
To be eligible for funding, groups need to show how their project fits with one or more of the priorities below:
Groups that have previously been successful obtaining a Single Year Community Grant, and are providing a proven positive impact to the community, can apply to the Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership Fund. Multi-year contracts are reported on annually. Outcomes are reviewed each year against agreed key performance indicators, including financial.
Applications are now closed
For more information contact the Community Grants and Projects Advisor.
For stories on former recipients and their projects see Contestable Grants Fund recipients.
Organisation Name | Project Title | Approved |
Got Drive Community Trust | Driver Education and Training programmes | $10,000.00 |
Awhi Charitable Trust | Awhi Programme for young people | $10,000.00 |
YMCA Hawkes Bay | Youth Projects in the Hastings District | $8,000.00 |
Waimarama Surf Lifesaving Club Inc | Surf Lifeguard Training Skills | $8,000.00 |
Tapa Wha Charitable Trust | Camberley Community Fitness | $6,600.00 |
Momentum Charitable Trust | Life and financial skills for people soon to be released from prison | $6,000.00 |
Maca Sports Leadership Charitable Trust | Ignite Drive Youth Programmes | $5,000.00 |
Ko Wai Tou Ingoa Hauora Charitable Trust | Rangatahi Kia Piki Te Ora - Kāhui Pakeke Kia Piki Te Ora | $5,000.00 |
Disability Sport and Recreation Hawke's Bay | Providing sporting opportunities to disabled people | $5,000.00 |
Te Tai Timu Trust | Maara Kai, Healthy Garden - Healthy Mind | $5,000.00 |
Adaptive Whakauru Tahi Charitable Trust | Adaptive Communities | $5,000.00 |
Brain Injury Association HB | My Life on Canvas creativity project | $5,000.00 |
Lift Social Enterprise Limited | Leap - “Take a leap of faith” Youth project | $5,000.00 |
InsideOUT Kōaro | Te Matau-a-Māui / Hawkes Bay School Coordinator | $5,000.00 |
HB Lead Kahungunu Poitukohu | Kahungunu poitukohu | $5,000.00 |
Age Concern Hawke's Bay Inc. | Positive Ageing Expo | $4,800.00 |
Hawke’s Bay BMX Club Incorporated | Whakapari Wahine BMX - Nurturing Girls On Wheels | $4,200.00 |
Elevation Centre | O LAU AGANUU O LOU TOFI – Your Culture is your Heritage | $3,900.00 |
Maia Dreams Charitable Trust | Confident Me Youth Empowerment Programme | $3,500.00 |
Foto Iwi Charitable Trust | Foto iwi Youth Media Programmes | $3,500.00 |
The Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust | Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust Hawke's Bay Regional Centre | $3,000.00 |
CCS Disability Action Tairawhiti Hawke’s Bay | Disability Support services in the Hastings District | $2,500.00 |
Birchleigh Polo School Program | Flaxmere Collage Youth Polo School | $2,000.00 |
Weston Incorporated | Whakamana te oranga o te iwi rangatahi - enhancing the wellbeing of young people | $2,000.00 |
Flaxmere College | Te Vaka Māia Programme | $1,500.00 |
Pango Me Whero | Centenary anniversary community netball tournament | $1,500.00 |
$126,000.00 |
In the 2024/27 Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership Fund the following groups have been awarded three-year funding agreements
Arts Inc Heretaunga | Operational expenses of the Hastings Community Arts Centre | $ 178,000 |
Surf Life Saving New Zealand | Summer Beach Lifeguards - Surf Life Saving New Zealand | $ 75,000 |
Sport Hawke’s Bay | Activating the Hastings Community | $ 70,000 |
Community Connect Trust | Kuhu Mai (homeless support hub) | $ 55,388 |
Nourished for Nil | Nourishing the Hawke's Bay Community | $ 40,000 |
Hastings Citizens Advice Bureau Incorporated | Citizens Advice Bureau Office Hastings | $ 40,000 |
Hawke's Bay Digital Archives Trust | Knowledge Bank - Operational Costs | $ 30,000 |
Havelock North Function Centre | Providing ongoing service to the community. | $ 25,000 |
Re-Source | Operational expenses | $ 25,000 |
Heretaunga Women’s Centre Incorporated | Heretaunga Women’s Centre | $ 25,000 |
Radio Hawke’s Bay | Radio Hawke’s Bay - Community Radio | $ 20,000 |
Family Violence Intervention and Prevention | Support for Hastings Safe House | $ 20,000 |
Hawke’s Bay Youth Trust | Hawke’s Bay Youth Trust - Schools Programme (Giants Boxing) | $ 15,000 |
Age Concern Hawke's Bay Inc. | Social Connection and Welfare Programmes | $ 15,000 |
Flaxmere Baptist Church Community Trust | Hastings District Christmas Cheer Appeal | $ 12,000 |
Flaxmere Boxing Academy | Flaxmere Boxing Academy | $ 10,000 |
Orokohanga Music Trust | Orokohanga Music Trust | $ 10,000 |
Pregnancy Help Hastings and Napier | Empowering and supporting wāhine hapū and whānau in our community | $ 10,000 |
Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust | Sustainable HB Programme - Operational expenses | $ 10,000 |
Graeme Dingle Foundation Hawke's Bay | Activating Youth Potential | $ 10,000 |
Wellness Riders | Youth Skate Empowerment Programme | $ 10,000 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hawke's Bay | Professionally supported one-to-one mentoring for youth | $ 10,000 |
Weave Hawke’s Bay (formally Napier Family Centre) | Expansion of service for Hastings District residents | $ 10,000 |
Peoples Advocacy Society Inc | Operating costs - Hasting Office | $ 7,000 |
Christian Love Link Napier Hastings Inc | Operating costs - Hastings Area | $ 3,000 |
Total | $ 735,388 |
During 2023 and 2024 the following groups and households have been awarded a share of funding from the Cyclone Gabrielle Mayoral Relief Fund.
The Cyclone Gabrielle Mayoral Relief Fund was a one-off fund set up to support residents, business and groups who have been affected by the cyclone or who are supporting the recovery and was made up of public and private donations.
2023 Applicants | Cyclone Related Project | Amount |
Individual Cyclone affected Households | Cyclone Special Circumstance Hardship Grants | $82,000 |
Bay View Volunteer Collective | Bay View Volunteer Collective - Fuel | $4,272 |
Small Hall Sessions | 9 rural community wellbeing events in the Hastings District | $9,000 |
Waiohiki Arts Village | Waiohiki Arts Village recovery | $10,000 |
HB Clean Up Crew | HB Clean Up Crew, cleaning supplies and PPE | $10,000 |
One Voice Community Services Trust | Cyclone relief support for families | $4,000 |
Kōtuku Creative | A Rising Tide, trauma resources for HB schools | $5,000 |
Piringa Hapu Authority | Flood impacted property clean up at Omahu Marae | $5,000 |
Nightsong | Free access transport for schools affected by Cyclone Gabrielle | $6,000 |
Meal Drive Hawkes Bay | Mealdrive 2023 | $5,000 |
Puketapu School Parent League | Trauma counselling at Puketapu School | $6,000 |
Surf Life Saving NZ Hawke's Bay Search & Rescue Squad | Equipment & operating costs, replacement of broken equipment | $5,000 |
Hawkes Bay comedy nights | Wellbeing comedy nights in cyclone effected communities | $3,000 |
Tutira School | Tutira Hub supplies and replacement of damaged school equipment | $1,000 |
Hawke's Bay Readers & Writers Charitable Trust | Pearl in a Whirl' school visits | $2,000 |
The Evergreen Foundation | Lucy Hone wellbeing event | $3,000 |
Bay View Community Trust | Bayview community fun Day | $500 |
Flaxmere Baptist Church Community Trust | Welfare parcels for red & yellow stickered homes | $10,000 |
Putorino Community | Putorino kids day | $2,000 |
Waiohiki Community Patrol | Waiohiki Community Patrol | $5,000 |
Student Volunteer Army | Disposable overalls and PPE supplies | $544 |
Rapid Relief Team NZ | Farmers Community Connect Day | $2,242 |
Matapiro Hall, | Replacement of water in community hall water tank | $1,020 |
Radio Hawkes Bay | Emergency Broadcast System project | $2,000 |
Haumoana Community | Haumoana community wellness afternoon | $1,000 |
Prima Volta Charitable Trust | Free access to The Magic Flute in concert | $3,000 |
The Lucky Little Pig | The Lucky Little Pig children’s book in schools | $3,000 |
Hawke’s Bay & East Coast Aero Club (Inc) | Replacement of damaged equipment | $10,000 |
Flaxmere Baptist Church Community Trust | Christmas parcels for red & yellow stickered homes | $16,620 |
Bay View Community Charitable Trust Inc | Christmas event for impacted families | 5,000 |
Rissington Volunteer Fire Crew | To support the Rissington Christmas community barbeque | $2,000 |
The Holt Forest Trust Arboretum | Damage to The Holt Forest Trust Arboretum in Waikoau | $5,000 |
Marae Cyclone Commemoration Events | Tangoio, Petane, Waiohiki, Omāhu, Moteo Marae Cyclone anniversary events | $9,000 |
2024 Applicants | Cyclone Related Project | Amount |
HB Knowledge Bank and Radio Hawkes Bay | Cyclone Gabrielle oral history pilot project | $21,416 |
Hukarere Girls’ College | Life101 Launchpad for cyclone affected students | $1,470 |
Waikoau Hall | Waikoau Hall funding support | $150 |
Arts Inc Heretaunga | Cyclone Recovery grant to support artists | $20,000 |
The Dinner Club | Support for cyclone book launch | $200 |
Nga Toi Hawkes Bay Charitable Trust | Artists Collective Hub, cyclone support | $20,000 |
Bay Cities' Symphonic Band | Bay Cities' Symphonic Band - cyclone recovery costs | $5,000 |
Te Pohue & Districts Community Charitable Trust | Table & chairs for the community hall | $9,995 |
Hawke's Bay Readers & Writers Charitable Trust | Hawke's Bay Readers and Writers Festival cyclone recovery costs | $6,000 |
Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust | Sustainable HB Education Centre - cyclone response | $20,000 |
Radio Hawkes Bay | Community Voice - cyclone recovery costs | $7,200 |
Orange Sky New Zealand Limited | Laundry service for displaced and homeless communities | $20,000 |
Good Bitches Trust | Support for operations in cyclone affected communities | $8,000 |
KidsCan Charitable Trust | Alleviating poverty in cyclone affected schools | $15,000 |
The Acorn Project Hawke's Bay | 2024 Activities, including cyclone recovery costs | $5,077 |
Lifelink/Samaritans Incorporated | Operational costs for our 24/7 free helpline for the Hastings community. | $5,000 |
South Africans Moving to or Living in Hawke’s Bay | Emergency equipment | $2,000 |
Number 11 Squadron District of Hastings Air Training Corps | Cadet Training and activities and cyclone recovery costs | $3,000 |
One Voice Community Services Trust | Community Support for cyclone affected communities | $20,000 |
Tautai Pasefika Hawkes Bay Services Limited | Pasefika 'Aute Centre (PAC) cyclone support | $19,980 |
Bellyful New Zealand Trust | Support for operating in cyclone affected communities | $5,000 |
In the 2023/24 Single Year Community Grants Round the following 43 groups have been awarded a share of $320,321.
Organisation Name | Brief Project Description | Allocation |
Got Drive Community Trust | Driver Education and Licensing support for Hastings Residents | $20,000.00 |
Nevertheless Trust | Te Whare Harikoa - Rainbow Hub Hawke’s Bay, Community Support | $20,000.00 |
Hawkes Bay Land Search & Rescue (LandSAR) | LandSAR Equipment Titanium Mule, | $16,000.00 |
Wellness Riders | Empowering Youth to Shine, Skate Programs | $15,000.00 |
Age Concern Hawke's Bay Inc. | Social Connection and Welfare Programmes for Seniors | $12,000.00 |
Life Education Trust HB | Resilience Education for tamariki | $12,000.00 |
Flaxmere Baptist Church Community Trust | Christmas Cheer Appeal 2023 | $11,000.00 |
WOWbeing Limited | Rangatahi - Journey to Prosperity | $10,000.00 |
One Voice Community Services Trust | Flaxmere Community Support Services | $10,000.00 |
The Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust | Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust Hawke's Bay Regional Centre | $10,000.00 |
Te Pūkenga – EIT | Nourishing Hawke's Bay Research (NHB) A Pātaka Kai | $10,000.00 |
Waimarama Surf Life Saving Club | Surf Lifeguard Training Skills & Community Surf/Beach Education | $10,000.00 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hawke's Bay | Professionally supported one-to-one mentoring for youth | $10,000.00 |
Hawkes Bay ITF Taekwon-Do | Operational Costs for All Abilities Gym and Disability Support programmes | $10,000.00 |
HB Lead Kahungunu Poitukohu | Te whare akoranga o poitukohu | $10,000.00 |
Weston Incorporated | Whakamana te oranga o te iwi rangatahi - enhancing the wellbeing of our young people | $10,000.00 |
Awhi Charitable Trust | Supporting our education, support, and advocacy for rangatahi | $10,000.00 |
Second To None Hawkes Bay Limited | Second To None Basketball youth development programme | $10,000.00 |
Flaxmere College | Te Vaka Māia Programme - (formerly CACTUS) | $7,550.00 |
Good Bitches Trust | Baking It Better Hastings, Supporting Communities | $7,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Digital Archives Trust | Upgrade to Archiving Servers – HB Knowledge Bank | $6,175.00 |
Pregnancy Help Hastings and Napier | Supporting and empowering wāhine hapū and whānau in our community | $5,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Readers and Writers Charitable Trust | Hawke's Bay Readers and Writers Festival 2023 | $5,000.00 |
Maia Dreams Limited | Maia Dream Indigenous Arts & Hauora Festival | $5,000.00 |
Adaptive Whakauru Tahi | Adaptive Communities – encouraging the inclusion of the disabled community | $5,000.00 |
Lifelink/Samaritans Incorporated | Operational costs for our 24/7 free helpline for the Hastings community | $5,000.00 |
Soul Massage | Te Kaahu o te ora - Soul Sessions (Community Health and Wellbeing) | $5,000.00 |
Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Hastings | Junior Youth Empowerment Programme | $5,000.00 |
Enliven Older People - a service of PSEC | Enliven Day Programme | $5,000.00 |
Birchleigh Polo School | Polo school Program for Flaxmere Collage and Hastings Girls High School | $5,000.00 |
Foto Iwi Charitable Trust | Foto Iwi Programmes Costs, Supporting Creative Potential | $5,000.00 |
Napier Family Centre Incorporated | Free counselling services for Hastings District Residents | $5,000.00 |
Zonta Hawke's Bay | Promoting Safe Access to Information for Vulnerable Members of Society | $4,000.00 |
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Inc | Victim Support’s volunteer programme in the Hastings District | $4,000.00 |
Radio Hawkes Bay | The Voice of Our Community, Supporting Community programming | $3,600.00 |
Bellyful New Zealand Trust | Help Bellyful Hawke’s Bay keep filling bellies | $3,000.00 |
Dementia Hawkes Bay | Community Communication in the Hastings District | $3,000.00 |
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated | Epilepsy support services in the Hastings District | $2,000.00 |
English language Partners Hawke's Bay | English classes for working migrants | $2,000.00 |
Kidnnections Charitable Trust | Bags of Hope, Supporting tamariki displaced from their whanau home | $2,000.00 |
Aphasia New Zealand (AphasiaNZ) Charitable Trust | Community Aphasia Advisor Service in the Hastings District | $2,000.00 |
Rugby League Hawkes Bay | First Aid Kits for Hawkes Bay Rugby League | $1,500.00 |
Pūkare Cards | Providing Pūkare Cards to School and Kura in Hastings | $1,496.00 |
In the 2022/23 Single Year Community Grants Round the following 35 groups have been awarded a share of $245,000.
Organisation Name | Project Title | TOTAL |
Prima Volta Charitable Trust | Prima Volta - Youth Mentor Programme | $16,500.00 |
YMCA HB | Raise Up - Youth Empowerment & Events programme | $16,500.00 |
Wellness Riders Ltd | Empowering young people through skating | $15,000.00 |
Ko Wai Tōu Ingoa Hauora Charitable Trust | Mana hapū initiative | $11,550.00 |
Awhi Charitable Trust | Awhi Youth Education Support | $10,000.00 |
Cornwall Park Playcentre | To support a new Playcentre building | $10,000.00 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawke's Bay | Professionally Supported one-to-one mentoring for youth | $10,000.00 |
Flaxmere Baptist Church Community Trust | Christmas Cheer Appeal 2022 | $10,000.00 |
Waimārama Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated | Surf Lifeguard Training Skills & Community Surf/Beach Education | $10,000.00 |
Purotu | Hine Purotu - Youth Empowerment programme | $10,000.00 |
HB Lead Kahungunu Poitukohu incorporated | HB Lead Kahungunu Poitukohu kaupapa | $10,000.00 |
Brain Injury Association HB | My life on Canvas | $10,000.00 |
Age Concern Hawke's Bay Inc. | Community Support | $10,000.00 |
Haumoana Playcentre | Haumoana Playcentre Playground bark | $8,500.00 |
Enliven | J H Mason Day Programme | $8,000.00 |
Kotahi Te Kohao Trust | Tama Tū, Tama Ora | $8,000.00 |
Te Pohue and Districts Community Charitable Trust | Defibrillators and Community Hall activations | $7,000.00 |
Birchleigh Polo School Program | Youth Polo School | $5,000.00 |
Lifelink/Samaritans Incorporated | Operational costs for our 24/7 free helpline. | $5,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Digital Archives Trust | Preserving the Daily Mail Newspaper | $5,000.00 |
Napier Family Centre Incorporated | Delivery of social services to HDC residents | $5,000.00 |
The StarJam Charitable Trust | StarJam Hastings | $4,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Land, Search & Rescue (LandSAR) | Support equipment for Land, Search & Rescuers | $4,000.00 |
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Inc | Victim Support's volunteer programme in the Hastings district | $4,000.00 |
FOTO IWI Charitable Trust | Rangatahi Creative Media Programmes | $3,650.00 |
English Language Partners Hawke's Bay | Flaxmere English Language Community Class | $3,506.20 |
Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Hastings | Junior Youth Empowerment Programme | $3,450.00 |
Hawke's Bay Justice of the Peace Association | Enhanced Professional Development - Justices of the Peace | $3,450.00 |
Bellyful New Zealand Trust | Providing Bellyful support to Hastings | $3,050.00 |
Dementia Hawke's Bay | Communication and connection | $3,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Trellis Trust | Shine Girl Programme | $2,650.00 |
CCS Disability Action Tairawhiti Hawke's Bay | Disability Support | $2,500.00 |
Aphasia New Zealand (AphasiaNZ) Charitable Trust | Community Aphasia Advisor Service in Hastings | $2,500.00 |
Hearing Association Hastings | "Hear This" Hearing Education Programme | $2,500.00 |
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated | Epilepsy support services across Hastings | $1,500.00 |
In the 2021/22 Single Year Community Grants Round the following 34 groups have been awarded a share of $245,000.
Organisation Name | Project Title | Amount |
Hastings Women's Safe House | Hastings Safe House | $20,000.00 |
Kainga Pasifika Services Trust | Driver Licensing Training | $20,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay BMX Club Inc | Towards Pump Track at Hawkes Bay BMX Club | $20,000.00 |
Graeme Dingle Foundation Hawke's Bay | Kiwi Can | $15,000.00 |
Interchurch Council for Hospital Chaplaincy (Hawke's Bay) | Maintenance of Hospital Chaplaincy Service | $12,500.00 |
Flaxmere Planning Committee | Flaxmere Night Markets | $12,000.00 |
Hawkes Bay Land, Search & Rescue (LandSAR) | Safety Equipment for Search & Rescue | $10,921.00 |
Waimarama Surf Lifesaving Club Inc | Surf Lifeguard Training Skills & Community Surf/Beach Education | $10,000.00 |
Havelock North Live Steamers & Associates Inc | Carriage Building at Keirunga Park Railway | $10,000.00 |
Flaxmere Baptist Church Community Trust | Christmas Cheer Appeal 2021 | $9,000.00 |
Family Works Hawke's Bay | Poipoi Mokopuna | $8,000.00 |
Age Concern Hawke's Bay Inc | Housing Support | $7,800.00 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hawke's Bay | Professionally Supported one-to-one mentoring for youth | $7,500.00 |
Hawke's Bay Digital Archives Trust | New computers with monitors | $7,400.00 |
Ko Wai Tōu Ingoa Hauora Charitable Trust | Rangatahi Kia Piki Te Ora - Kāhui Pakeke Kia Piki Te Ora | $7,300.00 |
Lifelink/Samaritans Incorporated | Samaritans free 24/7 crisis and community counselling phoneline | $5,000.00 |
Te Whakaritorito Trust | Wellbeing of School and Community Organisations | $5,000.00 |
Karaitiana raua Ko Paenga Whanau Trust | Celebration Lunch Grandparent/s Raising Grandchildren | $5,000.00 |
Birchleigh Polo School | Education room and tack shed | $5,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Rescue Helicopter Trust | Newsletter & Communications | $5,000.00 |
Hearing Education Hawke's Bay | 'Hear This' Hearing Education Program | $5,000.00 |
Napier Family Centre Incorporated | Support for child and youth counselling | $5,000.00 |
Hastings Heritage Trails Society Incoprporated | Clive Heritage Trails Brochure | $4,417.00 |
Dementia Hawkes Bay | New Dishwasher in Support House | $4,402.00 |
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Inc (Hastings) | Victim Support’s volunteer programme in the Hastings districty | $4,000.00 |
Maraekakaho Church Hall Trust | Community connectedness and wellbeing | $3,760.00 |
11 Squadron (District of Hastings) Air Training Corps | Air Training Corps 2021 training programme | $3,500.00 |
Christian Lovelink Napier Hastings inc. | Operating costs | $3,000.00 |
Brain Injury Association (Hawkes Bay) Incorporated | Support Services in the Hastings District | $2,000.00 |
CCS Disability Action Tairawhiti Hawkes Bay Incorporated | Disability Support and Disability Parking Permits | $2,000.00 |
Multicultural Association Hawkes Bay Inc. | Migrant Swimming Classes | $2,000.00 |
Radio Kidnappers Charitable Trust | Community Radio Programs | $1,500.00 |
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated | Epilepsy field support service. | $1,000.00 |
The Parkinson's NZ Charitable Trust (Hastings) | Information, education & support for people with Parkinson's | $1,000.00 |
In the 2021/24 Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership Fund the following groups have been awarded three year funding agreements
Arts Inc. Heretaunga (Incorporated) | Hastings Community Arts Centre Programme, | $178,000 |
Sport Hawke's Bay | Activating the Hastings Community | $85,000 |
Surf Lifesaving NZ | Regional Life Guard Service – Hawke’s Bay (Hastings) | $72,000 |
Hastings Citizens Advice Bureau Incorporated | Citizens Advice Bureau Hastings | $50,000 |
Havelock North Community Centre Trust | Providing ongoing service to the community | $30,000 |
Hawke's Bay Digital Archives Trust | Operations of the Knowledge Bank | $30,000 |
Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust (Environment Centre) | Sustainability Projects – operations of the Environment Centre | $25,000 |
Hastings Foodbank Trust | Hastings Foodbank Trust | $20,000 |
Nourished for Nil Limited | Nourishing the Hawke's Bay Community | $20,000 |
Heretaunga Women's Centre | Heretaunga Women's Centre - Organisational running costs | $20,000 |
Re-Source | Multi Year Operational Costs | $20,000 |
Budget First Inc. | Building Financial Capability in Hastings Community | $15,000 |
Te Aranga Marae | Flaxmere Boxing Academy | $10,000 |
Age Concern Havelock North | Community Christmas Day lunch | $10,000 |
Peoples Advocacy Society | Contribution towards running costs of Hastings office | $7,000 |
In the additional 2022-24 Multi-year Strategic Community Partnership Fund the following groups have been awarded two year funding agreements.
Christian Lovelink Napier Hastings inc. | Multi-year operating Costs | $3,000 |
Graeme Dingle Foundation Hawke's Bay | Operation Costs to support Life Skills Programmes Delivery | $10,000 |
Hawke's Bay Rescue Helicopter Trust | Newsletter Appeal | $3,000 |
Radio Kidnappers Charitable Trust | School Speech Competition Community Outreach | $2,000 |
Family Violence Intervention and Prevention | Hastings Safe House operational costs | $20,000 |
Interchurch Council for Hospital Chaplaincy | Maintenance of Hospital Chaplaincy Service | $12,500 |
In the 2020/21 Single Year Community Grants Round the following 30 groups have been awarded a share of $245,000
Group name | Project title | Total amount received |
Heretaunga Women's Centre | Funding Towards Operating Costs of centre | $20,000.00 |
Nourished for Nil Limited | Depot Operations | $20,000.00 |
Hastings Women's Refuge | Hastings Safe House | $20,000.00 |
Te TaiTimu Trust | Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora, Mauri Noho, Mauri Mate | $17,000.00 |
Interchurch Council for Hospital Chaplaincy (ICHC) | Support for Hospital Chaplaincy | $15,000.00 |
YMCA Hawkes Bay | "Impact" - Youth Development Programs | $15,000.00 |
Age Concern Hawke's Bay Incorporated | Let's Share | $15,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Digital Archives Trust | Digitising the A&P Society records. | $12,500.00 |
Age Concern Havelock North inc | Community Christmas day lunch | $10,000.00 |
Re-Source | Annual Operational Costs | $10,000.00 |
Prima Volta Charitable Trust | Project Prima Volta - expanding our reach with the launch of PPV Jnr | $10,000.00 |
Flaxmere Baptist Church Community Trust | Christmas Cheer Appeal 2020 | $9,000.00 |
Waimarama Surf Lifesaving Club | Surf Lifeguard Training, Skills Courses & Community Surf Education | $9,000.00 |
Enliven - a service of Presbyterian Support East Coast (PSEC) | Enliven Day Programmes | $8,000.00 |
Leg-Up Trust | Horse therapy programmes | $8,000.00 |
Inspire in education Limited | Youth Ambassador Programme | $7,500.00 |
Environment Centre Hawkes Bay | Sustainable Backyards 2020 | $5,000.00 |
Peoples Advocacy Society | Contribution towards running costs of Hastings office | $4,000.00 |
Neighbours Day Aotearoa Charitable Trust | Neighbourhood networkers and annual road trip as part of Neighbours Day Aotearoa | $3,500.00 |
Centenary Legacy Trust Board | HB District Health Board Internships | $3,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Rescue Helicopter Trust | Newsletter | $3,000.00 |
Wharerangi Marae Trust | Marae Ground Reinstatement | $3,000.00 |
Hawkes Bay Trellis Trust | Shine Girls Hawke's Bay | $2,660.00 |
The Hearing Association Hastings Branch Incorporated | Hear This - Hearing Education Program | $2,500.00 |
11 Squadron District of Hastings Air Training Corps | Air Training Corps 3 year training programme | $2,500.00 |
Windsor Scout Group | Windsor Roof Repair | $2,500.00 |
Hawke's Bay Justices of the Peace Association, Inc | Training and support of Justices of the Peace (Hawke's Bay) | $2,340.00 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hawke's Bay | Professionally Supported one-to-one mentoring for youth | $2,000.00 |
Lifelink/Samaritans Incorporated | Delivery of programme costs for our free 24/7 0800 | $1,500.00 |
Radio Kidnappers Charitable Trust | Radio Programs | $1,500.0Q0 |
In the 2019/20 grants round, 37 successful applications were awarded a total sum of $245,500.
Groups Name | Project/Service | Amount |
Hastings Women's Refuge | Funding to support local safe house | $30,000 |
Hastings City Business Association | Community events in Hastings CBD | $25,000 |
Heretaunga Womens Centre | Funding towards the programme costs | $18,000 |
Havelock North Business Association | Havelock North Village Street Carnival | $10,000 |
Hastings Art & Culture Trust | 2019 Edible Fashion Awards | $10,000 |
Te Aranga Marae Trust | Flaxmere Boxing Academy for young people | $10,000 |
Interchurch Council for Hospital Chaplaincy | Provide Chaplains at Hawke’s Bay Hospital | $10,000 |
Prima Volta Charitable Trust | Continuation and further development of Prima Volta programmes | $10,000 |
Age Concern Havelock North (Christmas) | Community Christmas Day Lunches | $9,500 |
Flaxmere Baptist Church Community Trust | Christmas Cheer Food Parcels | $8,000 |
Hastings Menzshed Trust | Support to develop their new bigger shed | $7,500 |
Nourished for Nil | Funding towards the programme costs | $7,500 |
Waimarama Surf Life saving Club | Supporting lifeguard programmes and training | $7,000 |
Hawke's Bay Youth Trust | Supporting programmes for young people at Giants Boxing Academy | $6,000 |
Disability Resource Centre (HB) trust | Delivery of their 'catwalk' project for young people | $5,529 |
Robotics and Computer Science in Schools Educational Trust (CS4S Trust) | Purchase equipment for a robotics club | $5,165 |
Age Concern Havelock North (EXPO) | Funding to support the annual seniors expo | $5,000 |
Pursuit Limited | Ongoing youth employment support | $5,000 |
Hastings Hearing | Support to continue education programmes for children | $5,000 |
Birchleigh Polo School | Towards polo programme for students from Flaxmere College | $5,000 |
Budget First Incorporated | Financial literacy workshops for those in financial hardship | $5,000 |
Leg-Up Trust | Continuation of Leg Up programme for young people | $5,000 |
Sustaining Hawke’s Bay Trust | In support of Sustainable Backyards, a month long workshop programme | $4,000 |
Hawke’s Bay Digital Archives Trust | Digitise and upload the records from the Hawkes Bay A&P Society | $4,000 |
Radio Kidnappers Charitable Trust | Intermediate school debate challenge & 6 community radio shows | $3,500 |
Hawke's Bay Rescue Helicopter Trust | Newsletter creation and distribution | $3,000 |
Red Cross | Equipment and consumables for the curtain bank | $3,000 |
No 11 Squadron District of Hastings Air Training Corps | In support of this programme and support with ANZAC services | $3,000 |
Centenary Legacy Trust | Support internships and employment opportunities for students | $3,000 |
CAB Hastings | Purchase of new office furniture for CAB programmes and services | $2,806 |
Growing Through Grief Hawke's Bay | Funding for in school grief services | $2,500 |
Muscular Dystrophy Association Incorporated | Funding to continue community based field work | $1,500 |
CCS Disability Action Tairawhiti Hawkes Bay Incorporated | Supporting young people with disabilities | $1,500 |
Dementia Hawke's Bay | Continuation of Active Brain Programme and Stimulation Workshops | $1,500 |
Blind Foundation | Funding to continue community based field work | $1,500 |
Tango me Whero via Netball Hawke’s Bay | Funding towards a family friendly netball tournament | $1,000 |
English Language Partners - Hawke's Bay | Continuation of English classes at the Hastings Library | $500 |
Arts Inc Heretaunga | Community Arts Development | $178,000.00 |
Budget First | Providing budgeting Services in Hastings | $15,000.00 |
Citizens Advice Bureau Hastings | Providing CAB services in the Hastings District | $40,000.00 |
Environmental Centre Hawkes Bay | Environment Centre operations and specialist recycling | $20,000.00 |
Hastings Foodbank | Operation of the Hastings Foodbank | $10,000.00 |
Havelock North Function Centre | Operation of the Havelock North Community Centre | $30,000.00 |
Sport HB | Provision of Active Programmes across the district | $75,000.00 |
Surf Lifesaving NZ | Provision of Lifeguards across the district | $63,244.00 |
ZEAL / Rezpect Dance Academy | Youth Events and Services | $65,000.00 |
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