Current filter:
Are you involved in an arts project, festival, performance or workshop? If so, you can apply for a Creative Communities grant, funded by Creative NZ and managed in Hastings by Hastings District Council. The purpose of the central government initiative is to increase the range, diversity and participation in the arts in communities.
There are two funding rounds per year, with decisions made around two weeks after each of the two application closing dates.
Round 1 for projects starting after 1 April 2025
Applications will open 7 February – 28 February 2025 at midnight (end of day)
Round 2 for projects starting after 1 October 2025
Application date tbc
All applications must be submitted via the online grants portal.
Documents that will assist you in the preparation of your application include:
You can apply for a Creative Communities grant if your project meets all of the following requirements:
Creative New Zealand has three funding criteria for this scheme. They are:
Food for artists, participants, and audiences when connected to manaakitanga (the expression of aroha, hospitality, generosity and mutual respect).
Council's assessment committee meets two weeks after the round's closing date. Decisions are notified by mail within seven working days of the committee meeting.
The Hastings committee assesses the applications on the Creative Communities criteria above, plus the following:
Because demand is always high, the average grant awarded is usually less than $2000.
For more information please email the Community Grants Advisor.
You are also able to apply to the Napier Creative Communities Scheme for your event/project, providing it involves both Hastings and Napier residents and you are request funding for different components of the project. Please complete the appropriate application forms if apply to both councils.
If you need to apply for more than $8000 you should consider discussing your project with Creative New Zealand to see if it qualifies for national funding. See: Creative New Zealand or email
If you have any questions about the Creative Communities scheme please contact the Community Grants Advisor.
Applicant | Project | Amount |
Joseph William Dobson | Thelonius Tree | $ 3,195.20 |
Mark Robert Anderson and Kurumi Kido | Stepdown showcases experimental media arts ... | $ 3,000.00 |
Jade Holland | Rangatahi traditional maori art panels | $ 2,658.00 |
Happenings and Activations Society of Hastings Incorporated | Fringe in the 'Stings 2024 | $ 2,500.00 |
Kathleen Janice Hawaikirangi | Hanga Pake Maro Hoki | $ 2,325.00 |
The Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust | Group music therapy for the Hastings homeschool community | $ 2,168.00 |
Piping and Dancing Association of NZ Incorporated Hawkes Bay Centre | Hawkes Bay Easter Highland Gathering previously Highland Games | $ 2,000.00 |
Backline Charitable Trust | Upstage | $ 2,000.00 |
Sukhdeep Singh | Punjabi Language week Celebration 2024 | $ 2,000.00 |
Wine country Quilts | Wine Country Quilts exhibition | $ 2,000.00 |
Mauricio Benega | Adhesive Vinyl Mosaic Art | $ 1,946.50 |
Tam Macken | Hawkes Bay In Colour | $ 1,500.00 |
The CanInspire Charitable Trust | CanBead Hastings District | $ 1,500.00 |
Arts Inc. Heretaunga | Hawke's Bay Art Trail Marketing | $ 1,500.00 |
Eru Heke | The off Broadway Drag Show | $ 1,500.00 |
Te Ara Toi o Te Matau-a-Māui | Tāonga Pūoro Wānanga | $ 1,300.00 |
Austin Robert Harrison | I'm Proud of You | $ 1,000.00 |
Napier Civic Choir Inc | Napier Civic Choir's Concert Weekend 3, 2024 | $ 1,000.00 |
Art Hawkes Bay Incorporated | Art HB 2024-2025 | $ 1,000.00 |
Malone Gemmell | Ori Tahiti Dance Academy | $1,980.00 |
Arts Inc. Heretaunga | Portion of Print Costs - Hawke's Bay Art Guide | $2,700.00 |
Mara Radice, Madi Knight, Te Angi Wylie | Development of puppets for children's workshop | $2,064.44 |
The StarJam Charitable Trust | StarJam Hawke's Bay Programme 2024 | $1,800.00 |
Institute of Registered Music Teachers NZ Hawke's Bay branch | Hawke's Bay Young Musician of the Year 2024 | $900.00 |
Creative Fibre Hawke's Bay | Textile Rhapsody - "a fusion of fibre and form" | $900.00 |
Eastern Screen Alliance | Screen Writers Workshop | $1,755.00 |
The Drama Workshop | 'The Astronauts' | $2,700.00 |
Jessica Mary Shannon Soutar Barron | This, In Here | $1,440.00 |
Eclosion Ltd | Priceless - Unlock Your Creativity | $1,620.00 |
Te Ara Toi o Te Matau-a-Māui | Kia Orana Day | $3,780.00 |
Darth Cornelius | Here Before | $1,912.50 |
Mark Robert Anderson and Kurumi Kido | Stepdown presents "Only the Stars Know Where I've Been" by Ctenophora Co | $2,250.00 |
Napier Civic Choir Inc | Napier Civic Choir's Concert Weekend 1, 2024 | $900.00 |
Foto iwi Charitable Trust | Photography, Film and Media holiday workshop | $1,849.50 |
Art & Alchemy Ltd | Connect Through Creativity at the Homestead Keirunga Creative Arts Venue | $993.60 |
Aubyn Live Theatre | Pirates of the Curry Bean | $900.00 |
Toi Whakaari Taiohi o te Matau-a-Māui - Hawke's Bay Youth Theatre (HaBYT) | Emilia | $2,034.00 |
Linden Singers of Hawkes Bay Inc | MAY CONCERT 2024 | $675.00 |
Donna Marie Hossack | Photography Workshop for Home Educated Children | $686.25 |
Robert Jack McGee | Long Ride Home | $2,247.75 |
Hawke's Bay Orchestral Society | Hawke's Bay Youth Orchestra Spring Concert | $1,485.00 |
Radio Hawkes Bay | World Ocean Day Spoken Word Competition | $900.00 |
Uku Clay Hawke's Bay 2024 | Uku Clay Hawke's Bay 2024 | $1,800.00 |
TOTAL | $40,273.04 |
Applicant | Project | Amount |
Hawke's Bay Soul Choir | Piano for Choirs at Clive Community Hall | $3,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Orchestral Society | Hawke's Bay Youth Orchestra Mother's Day Concert | $3,000.00 |
The Small Hall Sessions Ltd | The Small Hall Sessions | $3,000.00 |
Kristyl Hinemoa Marie Neho | Whakarereke Whakawhitwhiti (Breaking Barriers) | $2,700.00 |
Arts Inc. Heretaunga | Hawke's Bay Art Trail - Marketing Collaterel | $2,675.00 |
Mark Anderson | DIY Music Symposium Series | $2,250.00 |
Fergus Morunga | Community Film | $2,000.00 |
Brain Injury Association HB | Our Story Art Exhibition 2024 | $2,000.00 |
Tiute Caroline Fiu | Pasefika dance for Disabled community | $2,000.00 |
Bernie Winkels | Music is Life (Outfield Installation) | $2,000.00 |
Aubyn Live Theatre | The Jungle Book | $1,800.00 |
Art Hawke's Bay Incorporated | Art HB 2023-2024 Exhibition | $1,700.00 |
YMCA Hawkes Bay | Pou Project | $1,600.00 |
Happenings and Activations Society of Hastings | Fringe in the Stings 2023 | $1,500.00 |
Pakipaki whanau | Tukutuku wananga | $1,500.00 |
Script to Screen - Te Tari Tuhi Kupu a Whakaahua | Hawke’s Bay Screenwriting Workshop and Talk | $1,500.00 |
Eclosion Ltd | Priceless - Unlock Your Creativity 2 | $1,500.00 |
Hasting Choral Society | Festive Feast | $1,500.00 |
The CanInspire Charitable Trust | Hastings CanBead | $1,500.00 |
Amanda Sowersby | Connect through Creativity | $1,500.00 |
Linden Singers of Hawkes Bay | November 23 Concert | $750.00 |
Hawke's Bay Soul Choir Inc | Choir Programme 2023 | $700.00 |
TOTAL | $41,675.00 |
In September 2023 Creative New Zealand provided an additional $20,000 to support ‘festivals’ | ||
Applicant | Festival | Amount |
The Small Hall Sessions Ltd | FESTIVAL - Small Hall Sessions 2023 | $5,000.00 |
Happenings and Activations Society of Hastings | FESTIVAL - Fringe in the Stings 2023 | $4,000.00 |
The Drama Workshop Ltd | FESTIVAL - Kids' Festival 2024 | $4,000.00 |
Public Dreams Charitable Trust | FESTIVAL - Fiesta of Lights 2023 | $4,000.00 |
Foto Iwi Charitable Trust | FESTIVAL - FOTOFEST 2024 | $2,000.00 |
Angeline Chand | FESTIVAL - Diwali Festival of Lights 2023 | $1,000.00 |
TOTAL | $20,000.00 |
Applicant | Project | Amount |
Kezia Joy Whakamoe | Mahi Toi for the apocalypse | $3,000.00 |
Hawke's Bay Orchestral Society | Hawke's Bay Youth Orchestra Father's Day Concert | $3,000.00 |
Every Body is a Treasure Trust | Visual Poetry Jam Workshop | $2,800.00 |
Mia Dreams | Confident Me In-School Program | $2,700.00 |
Briar Wills | Water Tank Mural | $2,550.00 |
The StarJam Charitable Trust | StarJam Hastings Programme 2023 | $2,500.00 |
Eclosion Ltd | Priceless - Unlock Your Creativity | $2,300.00 |
Napier Civic Choir | Concert Weekend 1 2023, Carmina Burana | $2,000.00 |
Aubyn Live Theatre | Goldilocks and the Three Bears | $2,000.00 |
Crissy Coromandel-Timu | Te Ara o Te Hapūtanga | $2,000.00 |
Jessica Soutar Barron & Bridget Freeman-Rock | Listen For Your Words | $2,000.00 |
Nightsong | The Worm Production | $2,000.00 |
Emma Bowyer | Flaming Mojo Improv Comedy Drop In Workshops | $1,500.00 |
IHC New Zealand Incorporated | Photography Workshop 2023 project | $1,450.00 |
Studio Sparks | Tabla and Sitar Performance & Workshop | $1,400.00 |
Charmaine Margaret Chong | Taiao Dance Programme | $1,400.00 |
Institute of Registered Music Teachers NZ | Hawke's Bay Young Musician of the Year | $1,400.00 |
Keirunga Artists | Keirunga Artists Exhibition | $1,245.00 |
Hawke's Bay Soul Choir | Choir Programme 2023 | $1,000.00 |
Sukhdeep Singh | Punjabi Language week 2023 | $1,000.00 |
Richmond | Dawn Of A New Music Age | $790.00 |
Waitangi Marae | Waitangi Marae Matariki Market | $500.00 |
Total | $40,535.00 |
Applicant | Project | Amount |
Mihi Katrina Ratima | MIHITOI weaving workshop | $3,000.00 |
Mauricio Benega x HNBA | Places, faces and history of Havelock North | $3,000.00 |
sarah Tawhai | Ō mātou kōrero Whakawetiweti- (Confident Me Performing Arts Programme) | $3,000.00 |
Angeline Chand | Hawkes Bay Bandi Chhor Divas & Diwali - Lighting and Rangoli Competition | $2,500.00 |
Foto iwi Charitable Trust | HAPPY BAY NEWS PUBLICATION AND MEDIA WORKSHOPS | $2,500.00 |
Public Dreams Charitable Trust | Illuminted orbs at Fiesta of Lights | $2,500.00 |
Wine Country Quilts | Wine Country Quilts 2023 Exhibition | $2,200.00 |
Keirunga Gardens Arts & Crafts Society Inc. | Keirunga Open Studios and Secondary Schools' Postcard Exhibition | $2,000.00 |
Waiohiki Creative Arts Village | Hawkes Bay Arts Festival, Fire Sculpture | $2,000.00 |
Gemma Merryn Ellis | Short Film Script Development (Ronan & Lexi) | $2,000.00 |
St Columba HN Presbyterian Church | Carols on the Green 2022 | $1,650.00 |
Hastings Choral Society | Handel's "Messiah" | $1,500.00 |
Aubyn Live Theatre | Beauty and The Beast | $1,500.00 |
Joseph Rowntree | Outfield 2023 Art Installation - Manaaki Tower | $1,500.00 |
The CanInspire Charitable Trust | CanBead Workshops | $1,500.00 |
Dali Susanto | Guardians of the Party | $1,500.00 |
Art Hawke's Bay Incorporated | Art Hawke's Bay exhibition | $1,400.00 |
Uku Clay Clay Hawke's Bay 2022 | Uku Clay Hawke's Bay Catalogue 2022 | $1,400.00 |
Hawke's Bay Soul Choir | Choir Programme 2022/2023 | $1,070.00 |
Tamaki Shimaoka | 3D Pavement Mural | $1,000.00 |
Waitawhara Malootau Tiu Tupaea | Fringe in the Stings | $900.00 |
Richmond Palleson | Dawn of a New Metal Season Hastings | $684.00 |
Linden Singers of Hawkes Bay | November 2022 Concert | $600.00 |
Total | $40,904 |
Recipient |
Project |
Amount |
V Hoy Creative |
Puti Lancaster Remembrance Mural |
$3,600 |
Hastings Art & Culture Trust |
2022 Edible Fashion Awards & Associated Schools / Youth Outreach Programmes |
$3,000 |
Joseph William Dobson |
Undergrand in the Redwoods |
$3,000 |
Kristyl Neho |
Confident Me - Rising Generation |
$2,905 |
The StarJam Charitable Trust |
Providing community connections for youth inactive or isolated by disability. |
$2,500 |
Hawke's Bay Soul Choir |
Choir Programme 2022 |
$2,418 |
Rezpect Dance Academy |
Dance Workshops/ Video Concept |
$2,310 |
Uku Clay Hawk's Bay |
Uku Clay Hawke's Bay 2022 |
$2,000 |
Foto Iwi Charitable Trust |
Happy Bay News, Youth workshops and publication |
$2,000 |
Aubyn Live Theatre (Inc) |
Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood |
$2,000 |
Hawkes Bay Comedy |
Peak Comedy |
$2,000 |
Campbell Burns |
Droplets |
$1,600 |
Institute of Registered Music Teachers HB |
HB Young Musician of the Year 2022 |
$1,500 |
Hastings Choral Society |
Glorious Glorias |
$1,500 |
Jean Magazine |
Jean Magazine |
$1,500 |
Kjelsty Bernae Hanson |
At the Table - Video Interviews of local Clay Artists |
$1,200 |
Kathryn Jane Clark |
Gumboots Brass and Wind Ensemble Winter Camp |
$845 |
Linden Singers of Hawkes Bay |
May Concert |
$500 |
Total |
$36,378 |
Applicant | Project Title | Amount |
Summer in the Parks | Summer in the Parks Jazz on the Village Green - 10 events | $4,000 |
Happenings and Activation Society of Hastings | Frings in the Stings - Family and Kids Shows - 8 events | $4,000 |
Hawke's Bay Readers and Writers Trust | 2021 Hawke's Bay Readers and Writers Festival | $3,000 |
Keirunga Theatre Collective | Pirate Kai | $3,000 |
Angeline Tangiora | Te Hauke Raranga Group | $3,000 |
Kristyl Neho | Rising Generation | $3,000 |
The StarJam Charitable Trust | StarJam Hawke's Bay end-of-year concert | $2,930 |
Berry Jane Rangi | A Cup Of Tivaivai | $2,100 |
Art Hawkes Bay Incorporated | Art Hawkes Bay Exhibition | $2,000 |
Hastings Choral Society | Festive Feast | $2,000 |
Hawke's Bay Soul Choir Inc | Choir Programme 2021/22 | $1,959 |
Brain Injury Association | Our Story Art Exhibition 2022 | $1,668 |
Neelam Tripathi | My Creative Expression | $1,600 |
Holly Macdonald | Wāhine Fiesta | $1,500 |
Arts Inc. Heretaunga | HB Art Trail 2021 Artist Studio Flags | $1,500 |
Deepthi Krishna | MADE FOR A CAUSE 2022 | $1,500 |
Foto Iwi | Foto Iwi Workshop / Rangatahi Magazine | $1,500 |
IHC New Zealand Incorporated | Beginners' Photography Workshop | $1,300 |
Angeline Swastika Chand | Diwali Art Competition | $1,200 |
Kami Bay | Batik Workshop, Exhibition and Fashion Show 2021 | $1,000 |
Cameron Paul Brizzle | Recording an Album | $500 |
Fergus Morunga | Creating a Movie Premiere | $300 |
Total | $44,557 |
Applicant | Project Title | Funding Received |
James Simpson Macphail | The Small Hall Live Music Sessions, 15 events across the Hastings district | $4,000.00 |
Joanna Kirsten Morris | Connected - making connections across generations | $3,000.00 |
Puti Lancaster | Script development for a new verbatim theatre work | $3,000.00 |
Kristyl Neho | Confident Me - Our Stories, Our Voices | $3,000.00 |
Hawkes's Bay Readers and Writers Charitable Trust | A Progression of Poets | $3,000.00 |
Joseph Rowntree | Wesley Community Methodist Church Power Boxes - Art Work | $3,000.00 |
Hastings Art & Culture Trust | 2021 Edible Fashion Awards & Associated Schools / Youth Outreach Programmes | $3,000.00 |
Lily Frederikse | Research and development for "Taikura" exhibition | $2,820.00 |
Joseph William Dobson | A Grand Adventure - hands-on piano experience in rural Schools | $2,800.00 |
Happenings and Activation Society of Hastings | FitS in Ya Pocket - Fringe in the 'Stings new talent forum, | $2,500.00 |
Rockquest Promotions Ltd | Showquest 2021 - Hawke's Bay | $2,372.00 |
Foto iwi Charitable Trust | Foto iwi Zine - Printed magazine created by local young people | $2,160.00 |
Pakistan and Friends HB Association | Youth development through calligraphy, inks and mixed arts | $2,020.00 |
Larisa Kellett | Lady Larisa & Band - video and production | $2,000.00 |
Eastern Screen Alliance | Short Film Screenwriting Workshops | $1,800.00 |
Hawke's Bay Soul Choir | Choir Programme 2021 | $1,650.00 |
Sam Handley | Short Film Grateful Grapefruit | $1,460.00 |
Institute of Registered Music Teachers | Young Musician of the Year competition and concerts | $1,300.00 |
The CanInspire Charitable Trust | CanBead Workshops | $940.00 |
Arts Inc Heretaunga | HB Art Guide Counter Display Stands | $700.00 |
Hawkes Bay Live Poets Society | Guest Poets / Radio Broadcasts | $500.00 |
Wine Country Quilts | Wine Country Quilts Exhibition 2021 | $478.00 |
TOTAL ( including an extra $15,000 from Creative NZ) | $47,000.00 |
Applicant | Project Title | Funding Received |
Summer in the Parks | 10 Summer in the Parks and Jazz on the Village Green Events | $4,000.00 |
Anthony Stretch | Stretch Music Video | $3,000.00 |
Waiohiki charitable trust | Community Mural | $3,000.00 |
V Hoy | Spaceship Collective Wall Mural | $2,999.00 |
Rezpect Dance Academy | RDA - Next Level Dance Experience | $2,907.00 |
Kaisen Charitable Trust | Hawke's Bay Christmas At The Park 2020, Community Mural | $2,500.00 |
Public Dreams Charitable Trust | Illuminated Puppets at Fiesta of Lights | $2,500.00 |
H.A.S.H | Fringe In The Stings 2020, Family Programming | $2,500.00 |
Arts Inc Heretaunga | Hawke's Bay Art Guide 2021 | $2,122.00 |
Art Hawkes Bay Incorporated | Art Hawkes Bay Exhibition | $2,000.00 |
Jo Morris | Connected | $1,800.00 |
Steez Fitter Streetwear | Steez Fitter Streetwear Exhibition | $1,517.00 |
Hastings Choral Society | The Childhood of Christ | $1,500.00 |
Hawke's Bay Soul Choir | Choir Programme 2020/21 | $1,500.00 |
Katja Starke | Lockdown Laundry – Air Your Memories | $970.00 |
Lee Bruce Gaylor | Lee Gaylors Fine Arts Fire Sale | $285.00 |
TOTAL | $35,100.00 |
National Youth Drama School |
8-day Performing Arts Workshops for 14-18 year old |
$3,800.00 |
Stars in Clive’s Eyes |
Stars in Clives Eyes - Adult variety concert |
$3,000.00 |
Hastings Art & Culture Trust |
2020 Edible Fashion Awards |
$3,000.00 |
Happenings & Activation Society of Hastings |
FiTS in your Pocket |
$2,362.00 |
Louisa Tuipulotu |
Pasifika Dance Classes |
$2,000.00 |
Deco Bay Brass Incorporated |
Central and Wellington Districts Brass Band Contest |
$2,000.00 |
Pauline Ellen Hayes |
Script Development for "Sita Unsung" |
$1,837.88 |
Kristyl Neho |
Confident Me |
$1,800.00 |
Nga Toi Hawke’s Bay |
Ngā Toi Hawke’s Bay ArtReach Workshops and Sector Hui |
$1,550.00 |
IHC New Zealand Incorporated |
Photography and Drama Workshops Project |
$1,550.00 |
UKU Clay Hawkes Bay |
UKU Clay HB National Ceramic Award 2020 |
$1,500.00 |
Foto iwi ( Photo iwi Charitable Trust) |
Foto iwi Creative Workshop |
$1,500.00 |
NZ Music Managers Forum |
Upskilling Seminar - How to Promote and Market Your Music |
$1,000.00 |
Anthony Wiremu Richard Stretch |
Stretch - Album #2 |
$1,000.00 |
Napier Civic Choir incorporated |
$850.00 |
Campbell Tamahina Burns |
“PLAYSPACE – Sound Exploration” |
$800.00 |
Creative Fibre Hawke's Bay |
Creative Fibre Hawke's Bay biannual exhibition and sale of work |
$450.00 |
Total |
$30,000 |
Summer in the Parks |
Summer in the parks an jazz on the green |
$3,000.00 |
Fringe in the Stings |
$2,500.00 |
Hastings City Business Association |
Christmas launch and night market |
$2,000.00 |
Arts Hawke's Bay |
Arts Hawke's Bay Exhibition 2020 |
$2,000.00 |
Public Dreames Trust |
Niho Taniwha Shark Teeth Light Installation |
$2,000.00 |
Nga Toi HB |
Art Reach Workshop and Sector Hui |
$1,980.00 |
Pauline Hayes |
Chlorination Street |
$1,600.00 |
Hastings Choral Society |
Messiah |
$1,500.00 |
Keiunga |
Billy Lids Holiday Fest |
$1,500.00 |
Kaisen Trust |
Christmas In the Park |
$1,500.00 |
Teresa Woodham |
As The Day Draws In Stage Two |
$1,500.00 |
Krystal Neho |
Maia Me |
$1,219.00 |
The Hook |
The Hook TV |
$1,200.00 |
Arts inc Heretaunga |
Hawkes Bay Arts Guide |
$1,200.00 |
Maraekakaho School |
Wild Flower Sculpture Exhibition |
$1,175.00 |
HB Indian Cultural Centre |
MADDE for the cause 2020 |
$1,125.00 |
Hastings City Business Association |
Summer Arts Deco in Hastings City |
$1,100.00 |
Little Dog Barking |
The Pond Tour |
$1,085.00 |
Hastings City Business Association |
Chinese New Year Night Market |
$1,000.00 |
Hastings City Business Association |
Pacifica Night Market |
$1,000.00 |
Hanley Productions |
DREAM Hastings |
$1,000.00 |
Wardini Books |
HB five Sentence Fiction |
$1,000.00 |
Heretaunga Womens Centre |
Mosaic Beautification and Art Project |
$960.00 |
Presbyterian Support |
Mosaic Art Exhibition |
$658.00 |
Henry Joseph Rowntree |
Camberley Kura Mural Project |
$500.00 |
Hawkes Bay Live Poets Society |
Live Poetry in Hastings |
$500.00 |
Photo Kiwi Charitiable Trust |
School Holiday Workshop |
$430.00 |
Leah Baterbonia |
Basic Filipino Language and Culture Class |
$200.00 |
Total |
$36,432 |
National Youth Drama School Trust |
NYDS 2019 |
$3,500.00 |
Hastings Arts & Culture Trust |
Edible Fashion Awards 2019 |
$3,000.00 |
Hawke’s Bay Readers & Writers Trust |
Hawke’s Bay Readers & Writers Festival 2019 |
$2,500.00 |
Hastings City Business Association |
Matariki Night Market |
$2,300.00 |
Teresa Woodham |
As The Day Draws In |
$2,000.00 |
NZ Suzuki Institute - HB Branch |
Suzuki Youth Musical Workshop |
$1,800.00 |
Piping & Dancing Association of NZ |
Hawke’s Bay Easter Highland Games |
$1,708.78 |
Cameron Jones |
High Rise |
$1,700.00 |
Hanley Productions |
D.R.E.A.M Hastings |
$1,500.00 |
Hawke’s Bay Tongan Youth Group |
Tongan Language Week |
$1,446.79 |
Rose Chapman |
Duart House History |
$1,300.00 |
Wine Country Quilts |
Wine Country Quilts 2020 Exhibition |
$1,300.00 |
ZEAL Education Trust |
Versus Talent Quest |
$1,250.00 |
Out East Creative Ltd |
Introduction to the 'Viewpoints' for Hawke’s Bay theatre practitioners |
$1,250.00 |
Napier Civic Choir |
Napier Civic Choir Concert Weekend |
$1,100.00 |
Variety Performance Drama Workshops Project |
$1,000.00 |
Massey Branch - Drama NZ |
Dare To Devise (48 Hr Theatre Workshop) |
$1,000.00 |
Keirunga Book Arts Group |
Beyond Books |
$700.00 |
Total |
$30,355 |
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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hastings District Council to ensure that the information on this website is
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© Hastings District Council - / +64 6 871 5000 /